State Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve

On December 6, the Museum Center “Chambers” hosted the grand opening of the exhibition “Treasures of the Don Steppes” - unique archaeological finds from the collection of the Rostov Regional Museum of Local Lore.

The exhibition presents works of art from the era of the early nomads - the Scythians and Sauromato-Sarmatians: gold necklaces, bracelets, rings, beads, coins, weapons, ornaments for horse harness - about 1,500 items in total.

At the grand opening, Svetlana Melnikova, General Director of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve, said that the appearance of exhibits of this level in Vladimir can be compared with extraordinary success and a wonderful coincidence. It is difficult to overestimate this collection in terms of its value and significance for national science.

- The exhibition features about one and a half thousand unique items, including those made of gold, which are incredibly difficult to transport and assemble for display. Archeology, thanks to which we can contemplate such amazing things, gives us all an idea of ​​how people used to live, what they wore, and, importantly, what the need for beauty was. We thank the Rostov Regional Museum of Local Lore for this New Year's gift, - said Svetlana Melnikova. - I hope that the inhabitants and guests of the Vladimir land will definitely find time to see these amazing treasures with their own eyes.

Director of the Rostov Regional Museum of Local Lore Galina Kulikova spoke about the most interesting exhibits of the exhibition.

-Behind every thing there is always a story of its discovery. For example, in 1987 on the outskirts of Rostov-on-Don, the burial of the Sarmatian queen was discovered. Among the numerous grave goods, an absolutely unique golden hryvnia was found, which has no analogues in the world, - said Galina Kulikova.

She also noted that the unconditional decoration of the collection is the reconstruction of the kalaf - a ceremonial female headdress with genuine gold onlays and plaques. The golden upholstery of the gorita (case for arrows) with scenes from the life of the ancient Greek hero Achilles is surprisingly well preserved. These objects were discovered in 1959 - in one of the richest Scythian royal burials in the South of Russia, dated to the 4th century. BC. In addition, the exhibition features ornamented silver bowls from the Sadovoe mound, horse harness, objects from the excavations of Tanais and other treasures.

Scythian gold was brought to Vladimir

Государственный Владимиро-Суздальский историко-архитектурный и художественный музей-заповедник

Scythian gold was brought to Vladimir

Государственный Владимиро-Суздальский историко-архитектурный и художественный музей-заповедник