Khakassia Republic National Museum (Abakan)

Republic of Khakasia is located on the south of Siberia, on the left-hand part of the Yenisei river basin. The area is 62 thousand square km. Population is 583.2 thousand. Official language is Russian. Time: Moscow time + 4 hours. Khakasia is an attracting place for archeologists. Exhibits, excavated on the territory of the Republic are the adornment of the leading museums of Russia including Hermitage. There are known more than 30 thousand archeological monuments on the territory of Republic, they are: rock carvings, remains of ancient towns and settlements, ritual centers, most of them, by native's firm conviction, still preserve their scared force.


Khakassia Republic National Museum (Abakan)

It's one of the most interesting places which is worth visiting in Republic of Khakassia. The fund of the museum is more than 110 thousand exhibits. The pride of the museum is the collection of unique stone statutes created about 4 thousand years ago by people inhabited Khakassia at those times.

Ancient Yenisei statutes are interesting with their mystic carvings - three-eye faces, sun-like gods, fantastic animals, man's figures with animal heads. Historical and archeological collections of the museum are the richest collections of finds dated Stone, Bronze and Ferro Ages.

Ethnographic collections show the variety of Khakass culture. Monuments of ancient Turkic writing witnessed about power and high culture of ancient "hyagas".