Inner Mongolia Cultural Information Network

Alu Chaideng Xiongnu Cemetery--Gold Emblem with Tiger and Bull Bite Fighting Pattern

Inner Mongolia Library

Alu Chaideng Huns Cemetery---Huns Eagle-shaped Golden Crown

Inner Mongolia Library

Belt decoration. Unearthed in the tombs of the Han dynasty near Xigou, Zhungeer Banner. It is a set of 4 pieces, all with iron core covered with gold. The belt decoration is rectangular, 11.7 cm long, 7 cm wide and 6 cm high. Use a gold piece to hammer into a high-relief pattern of a lying sheep. The sheep looks up in a lying state, the horns are bent on the head, the limbs are bent inward, and there are curling moire patterns around the sheep.

Inner Mongolia Library

Colorful Inner Mongolia> Hohhot> Picture Appreciation> Selected Cultural Relics > Xiongnu Shanyu Golden Crown - 匈奴单于金王冠

Inner Mongolia Library