Henan Museum

Chuiqiu gold block

Warring States period (475-221 BC)

Length in Chipped State 5.9 cm, Thickness 0.4 cm, Weight 129 g

Excavated in Xiangcheng, Henan Province, 1978

This block is semi-circular in shape and cut on the face of one side. The front face features 13 stamp impressions that read “chuiqiu” (垂丘) with overlapping and incomplete impressions. This gold block is a form of gold currency used in the state of Chu during the Warring States period. The Chuiqu impression denotes an ancient place name. Though the state of Chu cast a great number of Ying yuan and Chen yuan forms of gold currency, cast Chuiqiu blocks are extremely rare finds. This is the only one of its kind to have been discovered to date.

The majority of surviving Chu gold blocks are incomplete, and are visibly cut. Many have been cut into miniature blocks, illustrating how gold blocks can be cut to the needs of the day. Not restricted for use in large-scale transactions, they were also used for small-time trade.

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Gold waist belt decoration

Western Zhou dynasty (1046-771 BC)

12 Pieces of Varied Sizes, Overall Weight 433.25 g

Excavated at tomb M2001, Guo state tombs, Sanmenxia Henan Province. 1990

This belt features seven round parts, one rectangular part, three in the shape of beast masks, and one in the shape of a triangular openwork beast mask. When excavated, these decorations were found on the waist area of the corpse within the coffin. They were likely decorative objects hung from the belt.

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Gold Seal of Lord of Guanzhong

AD 215-220(Late Eastern Han dynasty)

Height I9 cm, Seal Face 2.4 x 2.4 cm

Excavated at Shiqiao Zhen, Nanyang, Henan Province, I95

This seal, cast of gold, has on its top a tortoise-shaped knob. Its face has the characters ‘Guanzhong Hou Yin, Seal of the Lord of Guanzhong (关中候印)’ in intagliated carving(negative legend). The casting is finely detailed and the seal script characters thick and unadorned.

The Sanguo Zhi (History of the Three Kingdoms), Wei Zhi(Historyof the Wei Kingdom) and Wudi Ji (Records of Emperor [Han]Wudi) show that the title Lord of Gutanzhong was established in AD 2I5. At this time Caocao, a famous warlord and statesman from the late Eastern Han occupied a position of prominence, and wielded great power at court.

The titles he established, ‘Lord of Guanzhong' and ‘Lord of Guannei’, bestowed a lofty status with no real power. The granting of such titles was his first step in attacking and restricting the power of the various kings and feudal lords. An exemplary model of the intagliated official seals of the Eastern Han, it is of great significance for research into the political system and official titles of the late Eastern Han, as well as the arts of gold casting and seal script carving from that period.

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Gold slip for absolving sin

Gold slip for absolving sin

Tang Dynasty ( A.D.770)

Collected at Dengfeng,Henan

Length: 36.2cm

Width: 8cm

Weight: 223.5g

This gold slip for absolving sinwas discovered in the northern side of Junji Peak of Mount Songshanin Dengfeng County, Henan Province in 1982. It was given to herentourage by Empress Wu Zetian who was the only empress in China asa written message for absolving sin when she visited Mount Songshanin AD 700.

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