A.A. Bakikhanov Institute of History of ANAS

After Kir gained victory over Mada, Ahamani empire which covered wide territory was established. Territory of Azerbaijan was included in this empire for the period of more than two hundred years. In the period of Ahamani rule in the territory of Azerbaijan there were resided alban, asaqarti, kadusi, kaspi, mantiyen, mard, mada, muk, skif, uti and other kins. These kins provided Ahamani army with armed forces along with annual “bac” (a tax). In 331BC Ahamani army was destroyed by troops of Isgandar Macedony and empire was demolished.

Atropatena state was developed in 321 BC. Its founder was Atropat. The territory of Atropatena covered all the Southern Azerbaijan and several territories of Northern Azerbaijan. Strabon stated that Atropatena “during the war had a force consisting of 10 thousand riders and 40 thousand infantries”. In Atropatena there were lived anariaks, kadusis, mards, kaspis, mantiyens, muks, saqartis, saks, pantimats, parikanis and other kins.

Middle ages history of Azerbaijan covers the period of the III-XVIII centuries. During these centuries valid cahnges had been happened in statehood practisem socio-economic, religious-ideological, cultural life of Azerbaijani people.

From the 20th years of the III century till the I half of the VII century Azerbaijan Albany and southern part of the country (Atropatena) was under influence of Sasani empire. Azerbaijan Albany attracts attention as an important, independent political reality of this historical period of time.