Jin Dynasty


The gold seal of "Jin Gui Yi Qiang Hou"

Jin Dynasty

It is 3 cm high and 2.3 cm long.

The seal is made of gold. There are five characters in Yinwen Xiaozhuan, which are "Guiyi qianghou in Jin Dynasty". Kneel the camel button. The font is square, the layout is rigorous, and the strokes are straight, showing the typical style of official seal of Jin Dynasty. Tuonui is mostly a seal given by the central dynasty to a few ethnic leaders.

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Gold seal of "Wei Guiyi dihou"

The Three Kingdoms

Height 2.5 cm, printing side length 2.25 cm.

The seal is made of gold. Yin Xiaozhuan, "Wei Guiyi dihou" five characters. Camel button, camel kneeling posture, because of the short period of the Cao Wei period, so the seal issued to the minority princes is extremely rare.

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