On the east bank of the Nile, in the city of the living, Luxor and Karnak temples greet the sunrise. The sunset on the west bank throws shadows through the City of the Dead: the Tombs of the nobles, the valley of the kings, Queen Hatshepsut's temple.


East bank monuments

Luxor museum:

It lies between the temple of Luxor and Karanak. The museum includes Pharaonic monuments collections which were found at Luxor City.

The Third Coffin

It is made of solid gold, weighs 110.4 kg (243 lbs) and is 188 cm (74 inches) in length. This coffin contained the mummy of the young pharaoh, covered by the famous mask. It was placed within a second coffin, made of wood covered in gold foil, which in turn was set within the first, outermost, coffin, also made of wood covered in gold foil.

The Third coffin

The Third coffin which is made of gold contained the mummy of the Pharaoh Tutankhamen. When it was found it was almost entirely covered with a hardened layer of pitch, completely concealing its splendor, which was removed with solvents and a scslpel. Study of the mummy has shown that the Pharaoh died aged 18, and that he stood 162 cm tall.

Statuette of goddess Selkis

A graceful statuette of gilded wood, depicting the goddess Selkis, one of the four protective deities of the outer canopy of the Canopic Shrine containing the viscera of the deceased pharaoh. The goddess is shown dressed in a long tunic, and her head is covered by a khayt, surmounted by a scorpion, a symbol that transcribes the goddess's name.

The goddess Isis

The goddess Isis extends her arms in a protective gesture across one of the walls outer canopy, of gilded wood, spectacular Canopic Shrine of Tutankhamen.

Within this a series of smaller shrines, of gilded wood and calcite. This set of cases was found in the room off the Burial Chamber called the Treasury. Three other guardian deities protected the shrine: Nephthys, Selkis and Neith. Each of them was associated with one of the cardinal points of the compass. Within the Canopic chest itself were four gold coffinettes, with the viscera of the pharaoh.

Wooden Shrine

Wooden shrine covered with thick gold foil, set on a wooden sledge encased with silver leaf, found in the Antechamber of the tomb. Originally it must have contained a gold statuette of the pharaoh, stolen during one of the two episodes of tomb-robbery which took place in antiquity. The walls of the shrine are covered with scenes executed with exquisite craftsmanship depicting scenes of hunting and everyday life, featuring the pharaoh and his wife, Ankhesenamun.

King Tutankhamen

(1)First Coffin

It is made of Cypress wood overlaid with gold foil

(2)Second Coffin

This coffin of finer workmanship than the preceeding, was also made of wood covered in gold foil

(3)Third Coffin

It is made of solid gold and weights 110.4 kg.

(4)The Mummy

It was decorated with near 150 amulets, jewels and the superb golden mask inlaid with wonderful glass