National History Museum of Azerbaijan ANAS, Baku

43№li vitrinin arxa divarında Azərbaycanın müxtəlif yerlərindən (Şamaxıdan, Şəkidən, Mingəçevirdən, Abşerondan, Tərtərdən və s.) qazıntılar zamanı aşkar edilən qızıl bəzək əşyaları - müxtəlif qolbaqlar, boyunbağılar, qaşlı və qaşsız üzüklər, sırğalar, toqqa bəndləri, piləklər, asmalar, müxtəlif muncuqlar və s. nümayiş edilir. Yüksək sənətkarlıq nümunəsi olan bu əşyalar Azərbaycanda zərgərlik, metaldöymə, metalda naxışaçma və qəliblərdə metaltökmənin yüksək inkişaf səviyyəsini təsdiq edir. Həmin vitrində nümayiş olunan, üzərində günəş, boğazına lent bağlanmış tur, Sasani şahı Şapurun ov səhnəsini əks etdirən gümüş qablar da yüksək sənətkarlıq nümunəsidir. Bu vitrinin sol küncündə şüşə vazalar, ətir qabları və qədəhlər qoyulmuşdur. Alimlərin fikrincə, bu ətriyyat qablarının bir hissəsi yerli istehsal məhsulu, bir hissəsi isə xarici ölkələrdən, əsasən də Suriya və Fələstindən gətirilmədir.

On the back wall of the showcase№43 from different parts of Azerbaijan (Shamakhi, Sheki, Mingachevir, Absheron, tartar, etc.) gold ornaments found during excavations - various bracelets, necklaces, brow and browless rings, earrings, buckles, ladders, hangers, various beads, etc. are featured. These items of high craftsmanship confirm the high level of development of jewelry, metalworking, metal embroidery and metalworking in Azerbaijan. The silver dishes displayed in this showcase, including The Sun, a ribbon attached to the throat, and the hunting scene of Sasani Shahi Shapur, are also examples of high craftsmanship. In the left corner of this showcase there are glass vases, perfume bottles and glasses. According to scientists, some of these perfume bottles are produced locally, others are imported from foreign countries, mainly from Syria and Palestine.

Fund of Valuable Metal fund was arranged in the National Museum of History of Azerbaijan in 1957. Exhibits prepared from precious metals which are kept in other funds of museum, gained as a result of archaeological excavations, later on casual findings and by selling way of population, were included into there. The fund has been called Special Fund since 2009. 1570 exhibits are preserved there at present. 556 of them concern silver collection, 300-to golden, and 714 of them are included into numismatics collection. Archaeological exhibits, women and men jewellery, things belonged to known personalities, different home things (caskets, vases, glass bases, etc.) and numismatics materials make the basic part of fund materials.

Fragment of jaw of Azikhanthrop, one of the ancient and precious exhibits of the museum is preserved mainly in this fund. Golden women decors concerned XVIII-XVII B.C., prepared by forgery method and which were revelaed in Kudurlu village of Shaki region are from the old jewelleries of the fund.

ANAS Institute of Archaeology and Ethnoqraphy were handed to the Special Fund of National Museum of history of Azerbaijan thirty gold products (16 items), discovered in recent years in the territory of Azerbaijan during archaeological excavations in Masalli, Agstafa, Tovuz, Goranboy, Ismayilli and Oguz districts.

Note that the oldest archaeological objects were found in burial mounds of Oguz region. Age of Occurrences is more than 4th S.

As is known during archeological excavations in the territory of Azerbaijan have been found different historical objects. These objects are grouped into construction materials, household utensils, articles of everyday’s life including jewelry and adornments. Published book-catalogue includes jewelry found as a result of archeological excavations and preserved at National Museum of History of Azerbaijan.

Scientific editor of the catalogue titled “Azerbaijan archeological silver and gold items” is academician, director of museum Nailia Valikhanli and the author of text is Afet Rustambayova- chief of Museum Special Fund.

Catalogue deals with archeological finding including 130 precious metal items; covering the period from II millenniums BC until XVIII AD.

Introduction of the catalogue deals with technology of jewelry craft and archaic forms of jewelry of Azerbaijan since ancient time. It should be noted, the first time presented archeological items are analyzed by radiograph fluorescence method.

The catalogue includes photographs, size of objects, and technique of production, structure and site of discovery. The catalogue has been published in both languages-Azerbaijan and English.

National Museum of the History of Azerbaijan was included antique gold objects, which were discovered during archaeological excavations. Among the ancient findings are 11 gold beads and ornaments in the shape of a spiral. According to the head department of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, PhD in history Farhad Guliyev, these items were found during the excavations conducted in the ancient village of Tovuz Mentesh settlement in 2008-2015. Found in the barrow grave these materials date back to the VI-IV millennium BC.

Note that these ancient luxuries found on the skeleton of a woman.