Ministry of Information

Ministry of Information, Republic of Sudan. History and civilization of Sudan

The Sudanese civilization dated back to 3000 B.C when where close relations between the Nubian of the north and the Egyptian state at that era , where were close relations between the Nubian of the north and the Egyptian state at that era , where the Egyptian monarchs influence extended to north Sudan .

In the eighth century B.C, the Sudanese Napata kingdom rose .

Its influence extended till southern Egypt the first monarch of Napata was king Kishta [750 -760 B.C ] , whose influence extended northward till the town of thebes in Egypt.

In 750 B.C , Branch , the son of Kishta who became the king of the Nubian land proceeded northward till the borders of his kingdom reached the delta in Egypt.

He succeeded by his son Tehargra , who was known for carrying out grate architectural work and built temples .

He concern about agricultural and commerce . his era left behind many antiquities .

Meriotic kingdom:

the ancient Merowi is located on the eastern bank of the river Nile close to the present town of Kaboushia , 50 Km of shandi town Nahralneel state .

town competed Napata Merowi as important commercial and cultural center , until it lost its region

Merowi kingdom extended from the first cataract in the north to the Ethiopia and its southern borders extended to the current Sinnar town in capital Sudan . the kingdom was full of pyramids , temples , and royal places . the meriotic kingdom rule 350 A.D by the Ethiopian kingdom Axom .

the Nubian Kingdom:

Christianity entered the Nubian land via Egypt , where the Egyptian town of Thebes was important center for missionary work .

Christianity was introduced into the Nubian land in 543 A.D . the Christian kingdoms in Sudan included Nubatia , Maghra , and Alwa .