Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography IEI UFIC RAS

Постоянная экспозиция музея » Сарматское золото

The exhibition presents a collection of gold products from the Filipovsky mounds (IV century BC), which was exhibited in Russia and abroad and became world-famous. Today the collection is a decoration not only Of the Museum of archeology and Ethnography, but also of the entire Museum Fund of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The largest hall displays the collection "Golden deer of Eurasia". These are 16 single-plane and 10 two-plane figures of deer, carved from wood and covered with gold plates.

In a separate hall, gold and silver dishes, wooden vessels with gold shackles are displayed. The gold and silver dishes found in the caches of the Great Filippovsky mound were made by Persian masters of the Achaemenid era (the Persian kings of the VI-IV centuries BC). among the vessels are a silver jug inlaid with thin gold wire, a gold Cup, two silver rhyton in the form of an elongated glass and with a bull's head. Of particular interest is an amphora with double walls and zoomorphic handles.

In the third hall, weapons, jewelry of ancient nomads and horse equipment are displayed. The armament complex of the Sarmatian nomad warrior included a set of scaly armor made of iron plates, a solid or set of plates iron helmet with slaps, a shield with a solid metal coating, a long spear with a massive iron tip, a long sword, a battle axe-Klevets, a bow and a quiver with a large number of arrows.