Qazaq gazetteri

There are 623 historical and cultural monuments in the East Kazakhstan region, 16 of which are of national importance and 607 are of local significance. East Kazakhstan region, which is part of the Altai Territory, is very rich in various historical events and monuments that reflect the universal civilization. The territory of Altai and modern East Kazakhstan is not only a trade, economic, financial and cultural center, but also the birthplace of the khaganates of various Turkic tribes that were part of the Kazakh state. On the basis of intercultural, socio-economic ties, the ancient Turkic inscriptions (runes, Uyghur inscriptions) appeared in our region. There are many ancient Turkic monuments written in these inscriptions, which tell the story of our ancestors. It should be noted that the state program "Cultural Heritage", which ended in 2011, was very important. This program is unique in its scale, that is, it has contributed to the cultural and spiritual development of not only Kazakhstanis, but mankind as a whole. Scientists in the field of education and culture are involved in the implementation of the program. As a result of large-scale archeological research conducted within the framework of the program, new pages of the country's history were opened. Excavations at the Chilikty and Berel burial mounds in the East Kazakhstan region, where gold artifacts belonging to the "Scythian-Siberian style of hunting" or Saka art (V-III centuries BC) were found. This year, on the initiative of akim of the region Danial Akhmetov, the "Program for the development of research in the field of archeology in the East Kazakhstan region for 2016-2018" was adopted. Within the framework of this program, a work plan for 3 years was approved, divided into 4 stages.

EKR Institution for Historic and Cultural Heritage Protection

Monuments are a way to connect the continuity of generations through the protection and reproduction of our historical and cultural heritage, our own cultural values ​​and traditions. "People have no future without the past," the President said several times in his Address. It is the duty of every citizen to protect and care for our historical monuments. And when we talk about the mounds and monuments of the eastern part of the country, first of all we are talking about Berel and Chilikty cemeteries. Of course, it is not for nothing that archeology is a talisman of the Eastern region. During a recent visit to the East Kazakhstan region, we visited the "East Kazakhstan regional institution for the protection of historical and cultural heritage" and got acquainted with the work being done to protect, preserve and promote monuments. I had a chance to talk to the director of the institution Talgat Suleimenov.

"East Kazakhstan region is known for its rich history. What monuments are there in your region?"

...It should be noted that the state program "Cultural Heritage", which ended in 2011, was very important. This program is unique in its scale, that is, it has contributed to the cultural and spiritual development of not only Kazakhstanis, but mankind as a whole. Scientists in the field of education and culture are involved in the implementation of the program. As a result of large-scale archeological research conducted within the framework of the program, new pages of the country's history were opened. Excavations at the Chilikty and Berel burial mounds in the East Kazakhstan region, where gold artifacts belonging to the "Scythian-Siberian style of hunting" or Saka art (V-III centuries BC) were found. As a result of large-scale archeological research conducted within the framework of the program, new pages of the country's history were opened. Excavations at the Chilikty and Berel burial mounds in the East Kazakhstan region, where gold artifacts belonging to the "Scythian-Siberian style of hunting" or Saka art (V-III centuries BC) were found. As a result of large-scale archeological research conducted within the framework of the program, new pages of the country's history were opened. Excavations at the Chilikty and Berel burial mounds in the East Kazakhstan region, where gold artifacts belonging to the "Scythian-Siberian style of hunting" or Saka art (V-III centuries BC) were found.

"What is the news of this year's research work on archeological sites in the framework of the program of development of archeology of the region?"

...A trilingual documentary "Ancient Heritage" was made about the progress of archeological research. Today, this film has become the most effective tool for promoting the historical values ​​of the region. In September of this year, the Palace of Culture of Metallurgists in Ust-Kamenogorsk hosted an international scientific-practical conference "Altai - the golden cradle of the Turkic world." As part of the conference, an exhibition of valuable artifacts found during archeological excavations in East Kazakhstan was organized in front of the Palace of Culture of Metallurgists. As a result, a collection of archeology, Turkology, Altai studies and history of the region was published. In the East Kazakhstan regional museum of local lore in Ust-Kamenogorsk there is an exposition "Heritage of ancestors". This year, more than 3,000 artifacts found so far and as a result of this year's research have been added to the collection and transferred to the museum. In the East Kazakhstan regional museum of local lore in Ust-Kamenogorsk there is an exposition "Heritage of ancestors". This year, the museum has received more than 3,000 artifacts found so far and as a result of this year's research, which were added to the collection and transferred to the museum. In the East Kazakhstan regional museum of local lore in Ust-Kamenogorsk there is an exposition "Heritage of ancestors". This year, the museum has received more than 3,000 artifacts found so far and as a result of this year's research, which were added to the collection and transferred to the museum.

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