Nakhchivan State History Museum, Nakhchivan

Nakhchivan State History Museum, Nakhchivan

Nakhchivan State History Museum – The state status was granted in 1968 to this museum established in 1924. The material-cultural and applied art samples, ancient numismatic materials, as well as national clothes, artistic embroidery samples and carpet wares, adornment and daily-life goods, art works and etc. discovered during archeological excavations in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic are exhibited in the museum within which over 45 thousand exhibits are protected. Furthermore, scientific research works are conducted, stationary and mobile exhibitions are organized, and several educative events such as meetings, ceremonies, scientific-theoretic and practical conferences, round tables are held in the museum.Apart from Nakhchivan AR State History Museum, there are 6 regional history-ethnography museums in the autonomous republic. These museums, reflecting the history and culture of the relevant districts from the very ancient times onward, are of crucial importance in terms of national and historical memory.