Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty

Saka era (VIII c. BC - III c. AD) is characterized by the opening and the beginning of the widespread use of iron. At that time, the territory of Kazakhstan was inhabited by tribes of Saks and Sauromats. The basis of the social economy was nomadic and semi-nomadic pastoralism. Saka were united into tribal unions, which were headed by leaders who combine secular and religious functions. It was the time of origin of the state and the appearance of writing. An iconic symbol of the ideology of Saka became the Scythian-Siberian "animal" style, realistic on execution and mythological content. Material and spiritual culture decorated in this tradition. Archaeological Collection of early nomads has approximately 10 thousand artifacts. Early Iron Age is represented by materials from different regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, giving extensive information on Saks, Wusuns, Kangui, Huns and Sarmatians based on the territory of Kazakhstan from the VIII century BC that occupy a special place in the history of political and cultural life of Kazakhstan. There are Zhalauly treasure (VIII-VII centuries BC), found by chance in the Zhalauly village, Kegen (now Raiymbek) district, Almaty region, which contained gold items. The largest of the ornaments - pectoral - in the crescent form. Among the accidental finds of Zhetysu most valuable is a collection of copper cauldrons and bronze censers.

Culture of Kangui of the South Kazakhstan is presented by artifacts from excavations of burial grounds and settlements in the Aris valley IV c. BC - IV c. AD. The collection includes the original ceramic with a characteristic set of forms and decorations, small plastic ornaments, arms, horse attribution, zoomorphic and anthropomorphic figures, household items and cult, unique artifacts - paleographic material and much more. The letter is made on the surface of ceramic bricks, tables and identified as alphabetic-syllabic, on the Aramaic basis and recalls early Sogdian.

For the first time in the museum's history of Kazakhstan on the initiative and direct participation of the director of the museum NursanAlimbay created exposition complex an Open Collection has been organized as a new branch of the cultural-educational and scientific-research activity of our museum. Thanks to this, visitors have the opportunity to become familiar with previously unknown treasures of the museum's collections.

A leading place in the exhibition is occupied by the collections of gold articles, reflecting the cultural traditions of tribes from the age of early nomads in Kazakhstan. Among the treasure hoards presented are Zhalauly, Pokrovka and Kargaly. Gold was one of the first metals to be mastered by humans. Its high plasticity, natural nobility and beautiful colour made it one of the fundamental materials for jewellery art. Even when they date from the most distant periods of history, the artistic goldsmith works we see today look just as they did when they were first crafted. The Zhalauly treasure is a unique example of the jewelry craftsmanship of the Saka people at Zhetysu, dating from the V-III centuries BC. It was discovered in Spring 1988 by school pupils from the village of Zhalauly, Kegen region, Almaty province. More than 600 works of gold were lying in a felt sack. Among the many articles from the hoard, the adornments crafted in the Scythian-Siberian 'wild animal' style are of particular interest.

The gold adornments from the second Pokrovka kurgan (excavated: 1911) are examples of the jewelry art of ancient Sauromat people from near the Aral Sea and were excavated in the Aktobe region. More than 20 gold adornments in a rich woman's grave from the 5th century BC were discovered.A significant part of the exhibition is taken up by a collection of jewelry items by the Khiva craftsmen of the 19th century early 20th century. These include articles from horse harnesses, show weaponry and women's jewelry. The pendants and women's adornments will catch your attention with their wealth of decoration. The brightness, colorfulness and intricate detail in the jewellery adornments, and the multicoloured stones (blue turquoise, brownish-red sard, silver pearl), coloured glass and gilding used in one artefact correspond with the character of the silk and semi-silk fabrics.The exhibition of the fifth hall from now on be constantly updated and added to with rarities and particularly impressive examples from the collections of the museum.

Gold from Chirikrabad necropolis (IV - first century AD) and from Kylyshzhar necropolis (III-I century BC) a sample of jewelry art of Saks of Aral Sea region. In the rich burial more than 400 gold products were discovered. Thereare decorative elements of clothes, made in stamping, forging, cutting, twistingtechniques. Plaques of geometric form, plaques in the form of an arch with a figure of a rooster and earringsare of special interest.

Kargaly treasure. II - I century BC discovered in 1939, a female burial. Over 300 gold items, made in incrustation style are evidence of the high jewelry art of ancient Wusun. Diadem - an ornament ritual headdress inlaid with turquoise, coral and carnelian, two rings with turquoise, with sculpted figures of Bactrian camels, earring depicting a man and a boar (rats), inlaid withturquoise, carnelian and jasper. A variety of sewn-on plaques in the form of mountain goats tau-teke, cross-shaped plaque, a flower, tree leaves, and others are unique in its design and craftsmanship.

The exhibition presents a collection of jewels of the Oriental masters of the XVIII century. Two daggers made of Damascus steel with handles of jade; on the blades epigraphic inscriptions in Arabic and Farsi; sheathed in gold and platinum, inlaid with diamonds and rubies; stiletto; items of horse harness of silver and gold, inlaid with turquoise and carnelian owned by Kazakh elite are of great interest.

Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan