National Museum of Antiquities of Tajikistan, Dushanbe

(Obverse)CZAR before the altar confronting to the left,

(Reverse)god Shiva, confronting the bull, turned to the left.

Gold, dinar. 7,96 near the crossing of Chormazak (region of Yvan), before 1958 random finding.

Н-437. Лит.: Зеймаль 1960, № 17; ЮТ № 675; Зеймаль 1983, XVI. 4.

(Obverse)CZAR, confronting to offering platform in the field - club and the trident.

(Reverse)god Shiva, confronting the bull, turned to the left, but image are more schematic.

Gold, dinar. 8,05 fortification Kay-Kobad- Shah (region of Kabadian), 1950. In the filling of the accommodation (0,5 m above the floor), which relates to the period "kobadian V" (on the floor of the same accommodation - the copper coin of Vima Kadfises and "lately -Kusana coin").

Н-56/1. Лит.: Дьяконов 1953, с. 289 - 290; Зеймаль 1960, № 20; ЮТ № 674; Зеймаль 1983, XVI. 10.


Gold, turquoise. Casting, engraving, incrustation. 2,3 * 2,9. 3C - 2C BC

Лит.: ЮТ № 80.


Gold. Casting. 5,3 x 5,4.


1C - 2C Лит.: ЮТ № 117.


Gold. 2,6 x 3,6. It is produced from the thin sheet with extrusion on the matrix. Horse is depicted as the tucked in feet and the head turned back. In the middle neck and body are passed "edges". Ear and hooves of horse are produced equally as round dent with the outgoing triangular dent from it. On the blade and the thigh there are round dents. Mane and tail are shown by notches. Four circular holes: small hales are between the hooves, under the tail and in the nostril; large hole is under the head with the torn edges.

Могильник БМ-V. 1C - 2C

Southern Tajikistan, BC. 1- AD. 1 - LINK In the form PROTOMY OF THE LYING SPHINX.

Electr(Alloy of gold with silver). 3,5 x 2,2. It consists of two parts - interlaced from the thin wire arc, whose tapering point put through into the ear, and strictly the link, fastened to the arc with the aid of the bushing and produced from the thin sheet of elektr. Link depicts the lying sphinx with the female head and the breast; hair-do is visible below the flat cap. The beast paws are dismembered to three finger- claws by cutter, are stretched forward in the elbow joint. Two wings, being vertically risen from the arms, are tightly forced against body and head; feathers are shown with four horizontal rows as soldered on with semicircle from the notched electr wire. Two thin-notched wires are passed along the nape of the neck, they cross as cross belt, and they wind in the ends as spares on the breast. Bushing is decorated with four edgings, also made from the soldered-notched wire. 2C - 1C BC. 1951 Random finding.

РМ инв. № 1478. Лит.: Линде 1952; КВ № 300.

Southern Tajikistan, BC. 1- AD. 1 - FIBULA.

Gold, turquoise, glass paste. 1,9 * 3,0. Coupler - hook from the round part in the section of wire. Shield is from two parts: large part is round, small part is in the form of segment. They are framed up the edge by pyramids from grain. Inside the shields are figured nests for the inserts from the turquoise and the pink glass paste (gold partitions are soldered on). Могильник БМ-VII. 1C - 2C

Лит.: Седов 1979, с. 584 - 585; ЮТ № 157.

Southern Tajikistan, BC. 1- AD. 1 - LINKS "AMPHORA-LIKE " (pair).

Gold, bronze, pearls, glass paste. 1,5 * 2,5. 1,4 * 2,3. Ring from the thin bronze wire with the coiled mobile coupler. On the arc is "amphora-like" suspension, analogous № to 271. The middle part of "Amphora" is the pearl, upper and lower are from the dark glass paste with the external gilding. Knobs of "amphora" completely stylized in the form of the dolphins. The end of the rod of suspension is pearl and pyramid from grain. Lateral suspensions are lost.

Могильник БМ-V. 1C - 2C. Лит.: см. № 266; ЮТ № 167 - 168.

Southern Tajikistan, BC. 1- AD. 1 - LINKS IN THE FORM OF GOLD ROOSTERS (pair).

Gold, silver, pearls. 2,3 * 3,1, 2,3 * 3,5. They consist of three parts: the ring of ear (found only one ring - silver), the gold figurines of roosters and suspension in the form of crescent and pearls....

Tomb of Ksirov. Fence № 5. 1C BC - 2C.

Инв. № 42/1 - 2. Лит.: Денисов 1979, с. 577 - 578; Денисов - Грене 1981, с. 307 - 314, табл. V, 1; ЮТ № 181 - 182.

Northern Tajikistan, 4-7C-CAMEO IN THE LOCKET.