British Museum

© The Trustees of the British Museum

© The Trustees of the British Museum

Object Type coin

Museum number 1888,1208.59

Authority Governor: Andragoras

Cultures/periods Seleucid Dynasty

Production date 4thC BC-3rdC BC (circa)

Production place Minted in: Parthia Asia: Parthia

Materials gold


Die-axis: 6 o'clock

Diameter: 18 millimetres

Weight: 8.52 grammes


Inscription type: inscription

Inscription position: reverse

Inscription language: Greek

Inscription script: Greek

Inscription content: [ΑΝ]ΔΡΑΓΟΡΟΥ

Inscription transliteration: ANDRAGOROU

Inscription translation: Of Andragoras

Object Type coin

Museum number 1879,0401.5

Denomination stater

Description Gold coin. (whole)

Zeus standing to left holding thunderbolt in right hand and aegis draped over left arm. Eagle and Wreath in left field. (reverse)

Bust of Diodotus facing to right wearing diadem. (obverse)

Authority Ruler: Diodotus

Cultures/periods Greco-Bactrian

Production date 250BC-200BC

Production place Minted in: Bactria Asia: Afghanistan: Bactria

Materials gold


Diameter: 19 millimetres

Weight: 8.460 grammes


Inscription type: inscription

Inscription position: reverse

Inscription language: Greek

Inscription script: Greek

Inscription content: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΔΙΟΔΟΤΟΥ

Inscription transliteration: Basileus Diodotou

Inscription translation: Of the king Diodotus

© The Trustees of the British Museum

chariot; model

Object Type



Museum number



Series: Oxus Treasure


Model of gold chariot drawn by four horses abreast: the chariot box or cab is open at the back. It has an irregular square front, wider at the top than the bottom, ornamented with two incised bands in saltire, probably representing diagonal bracing struts. These bands are decorated with triangles and have a Bes head at the intersection. The floor is covered with cross-hatching, most probably representing a flooring of interlaced leather thongs. The two large wheels each have nine spokes, and the running surfaces are studded with small pellets to represent the bulbous heads of large stud-like nails which in the full-size original would have secured a tyre and felloe-sheathing of bronze. The axle is soldered at either end but the wheels originally rotated freely. A seat, in the form of a narrow strip of gold, runs from the front to back of the interior. On this is seated the principal figure. He wears a long robe reaching to the ankles, the sleeves of which appear to be empty like those of the 'kandys'. On his head is a hood or cap, around the front of which is a flat strip of gold, resembling a fillet, with the ends projecting above the forehead, and around his neck is a gold wire torc. The driver wears a similar cap without a fillet, a short girded tunic and a wire torc; his legs are also formed of wires. The two human figures are fixed to the chariot by wires.


Cultures/periods Achaemenid

Production date 5thC BC-4thC BC

Findspot Excavated/Findspot: Takht-i Kuwad (?) Asia: Central Asia: Tajikistan: Takht-i Kuwad

Materials gold

Technique incised soldered


Height: 4.50 centimetres (wheel)

Height: 7.50 centimetres

Length: 19.50 centimetres

Weight: 75.50 grammes

© The Trustees of the British Museum

Asset number



Full: Front

Large hollow gold head of a beardless man made from a single piece of hammered sheet; slightly aquiline nose with prominent superciliary ridges; eyes wide open, the pupils being represented by punched circles; pierced ear lobes, and in one the remains of a plug with a ring at the end; the hair is represented by close-set wavy lines radiating from the centre; the back of the neck is damaged by a long, almost vertical, cut.

© The Trustees of the British Museum

Asset number



Full: Front

Gold jug: oviform body decorated with horizontal fluting, contracting rapidly towards the small base; the plain broad neck expands at the rim, which has an open spout, the end of which has been cut off; the cast handle is octagonal in section, expanding below a circular rosette; its upper end is in the form of a lion's head, representing as biting the rim, and the bottom is secured to the wall with a single rivet; centre point on the underside.

© The Trustees of the British Museum

Asset number



3/4: Left

Hollow gold fish: hammered up from sheet; the scales are indicated by regular imbrications, and the fins punched with close parallel lines; the mouth has an inner lining with a thickened edge; above the left fin is an applied loop either for suspension or for attachment to a stopper, now missing.

© The Trustees of the British Museum

Asset number



Full: Front

Gold plaque; rectangular; embossed with the figure of a man walking to the right; his left hand by his side, his right extended and holding a bundle of rods (barsom); wearing so-called "Median dress" of hood (from which his hair projects above and below), long boots, trousers and a belted tunic decorated with two vertical stripes with similar bands along the bottom and at the shoulders; from the belt on his right side is slung an akinakes (short sword) with a lateral projection at the upper end, and a cinquefoil chape, the lower part of the scabbard being secured by a cord running around his leg.

© The Trustees of the British Museum