Historical Museum - Primorsko

In recent years, several dozen hitherto unknown sites have been marked on the archeological map of the Municipality. Archaeological excavations were carried out on the tomb of a Thracian priest in the Thracian sanctuary Begliktash. Particularly interesting results were given by the research of Farmakida - the fortified residence of a Thracian dynasty.


The horse occupied a special place in the life and religion of the ancient Thracians. The parade horses of the Thracian aristocrats were richly decorated and carefully bred. They were often sacrificed during their master's funeral to accompany him to the afterlife.

Along with the gold applications, a clay lamp was found at the base of the tomb. This type of items are well researched and dated. The open model was produced between the last years of the 4th and the first two decades of the 3rd century BC.

The treasure from Primorsko consists of a chief, seven large applications and thirty-two small ones. They are made of pure gold by casting and subsequent processing. They are decorated with embossed ornaments and stylized images of lotus flowers. The forty elements were found just below the pavement of the burial facility. The treasure was probably deposited in the ground before the construction of the site.

The chief is decorated with an embossed eagle's head and geometric ornaments. In addition, the set contains a applicator with a round shape, decorated with ornaments of stylized plant motifs; four round tiles with embossed and openwork decoration, complemented by pseudo-filigree ornaments; two oblong tiles with openwork and embossed decoration, complemented by pseudo-filigree ornaments; thirty-two miniature applications with a semi-cylindrical shape, with a convex edge at the base and covered with pseudo-filigree. According to its characteristics and peculiarities of construction, the treasure from Primorsko has close analogies with those from Ivanski and Sboryanovo.


Исторически Музей Приморско



Исторически Музей Приморско

In accordance with the long-term program for documentation, research and socialization of cultural values ​​on the territory of Primorsko municipality, carried out jointly by the Municipality, Primorsko Historical Museum and archaeologists, during the last eight years, large-scale research was conducted. As far back as 2011, field trips were started, thanks to which more than 40 previously unknown archeological sites were plotted on the map, as well as additional information was collected about a number of others, which were partly studied at different periods of time.

Among the especially valuable contributions of these expeditions, we can mention the clarification of the functions of the Thracian sanctuary in the area "Begliktash", the discovery of rock niches and mound necropolises in the area of ​​the fortress "Valchanovo Kale", specifying the size and number of mounds in the necropolises at Kitka Peak and Cape St. Dimitar, the remains of ancient settlements between the town of Primorsko and the village of Yasna Polyana, ancient fortresses, a medieval monastery near the village of Pismenovo, a prehistoric settlement and a mound necropolis in Silihlyar ”and many other archeological sites.

Based on the obtained results, proceed to a systematic study of the most interesting and promising, from a scientific point of view, objects. One of our goals was to fill the museum funds and the exhibition as quickly as possible. Archaeological excavations in 2012-2013 were conducted on a grave mound in the Chenger area. Two graves were discovered - of a Thracian warrior-priest from the late Hellenistic era, who probably served the sanctuary in the Begliktash area at that time, and the grave of a child. The information extracted in the course of the research is of exceptional historical value, providing answers to questions concerning the way of life and social status of the then inhabitants in the vicinity of the town of Primorsko and received the deserved recognition of experts and the public.

Important results for life on the territory of the municipality on the eve of the conquest of Thrace by the Romans 2,000 years ago, gave the discovery of the remains of a Thracian aristocratic residence in the area "Farmakida".

The study of four mounds in the Silihlyar locality proved to be especially successful. Two of them kept the remains of locals buried more than 4,000 years ago.

Although modest as funeral utensils, the gold earrings and silver pendants placed as a gift in the grave of a young woman testify to the high standard of living and well-developed crafts in the area from ancient times.

The finds from the other two mounds turned out to be much richer. The treasure of golden applications preserved in the foundations of the tomb of a Thracian aristocrat, created during the time of the heirs of Alexander the Great, aroused great interest in the scientific circles in Bulgaria, Europe and America.

Observations and excavations in the area of ​​the Thracian sanctuary "Begliktash" contributed significantly to the elucidation of its functions over time, to specify the periods of life here, as well as to reveal its connections with the surrounding Thracian necropolises from the Early Iron Age.