9-24-15 To Ensemble students~

Post date: Sep 24, 2015 11:38:40 PM

Hey y’all!

Great to see you again today. Hallelujah for now having a solid plan & purpose! Thanks so much for all your input these first few classes. I was so encouraged by what you nailed today! Truly, your hard work is already beginning to show. I’m beginning to look forward to my Tuesdays & Thursdays. Big time.

Regarding cds- if you still need one, please reply to this email asap & I’ll get one to ya upstairs tomorrow, so you have it for the weekend. Here’s the order of tracks:

    1. SIng for Joy

    2. SIng for Joy - SOPRANOS

    3. SIng for Joy - BOYS

    4. Text Me Merry

    5. Silent Night

    6. Instrumental- Sing for Joy

    7. Instrumental- Text Me

    8. Instrumental- Silent Night

Also, if you are wanting some extra help with your part outside of electives, I’m happy to snag a few minutes whenever we can. Again, just reply to let me know. Some of you have already asked for help WHICH IS AWESOME. Thanks for being pro-active!

I love the fact you don't want to sing with younger students, you’re gutting out more difficult arrangements of music, and wanting to improve your sight-singing skills. No looking back, focusing on the & the future. Bravo to each of you!

By the way, there are currently 69 students registered already for Chorale. You have paved the way for many of these young performers over the years. Thanks so much for your continued leadership! May God bless you bunches for serving Him through the performing arts! WE GET TO DO THIS! I'm excited that we get to honor the Lord in this way during the holidays. Thanks for sharing your musical gifts that He gave you! See ya next Tuesday- Now eat up those cds.

Mrs. Brumley

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