12-14-15 Congrats, Thank you & Merry Christmas!

Post date: Dec 14, 2015 5:41:19 PM

Dear Chorale parents,

Congratulations to you and your children for a job well done! It’s hard to believe we are finished performing and almost into Christmas break. Time flies when you’re having fun. Thank you for all your effort, support and prayers. Your children are fabulous!

I will send you the links for photos & video of our concert as soon as possible. In the meantime, the video from Washington Square is HERE, and there’s just a handful of phone pictures from Washington Square HERE. Official and quality photos to come.

Regarding our Spring musical, “Aladdin”:

    1. Rehearsals will be both Monday and most Wednesdays during lunch recess, starting the second week of January. After school rehearsals continue once a month, with the exception of April. See all dates and information HERE.

    2. I am going to assume your child is continuing, good-to-go, unless I get an email from you stating they are NOT participating by January 10th. If your child wishes to continue, there’s nothing to do but put the dates on your calendar. Yippee! I am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for us! And yet, January stills sounds so, so far away.....

My family is headed overseas day after tomorrow to see my son who is a missionary in England. I would greatly appreciate your prayers for safe travels and rejuvenating family time. My prayer for you and your families is that you will find great joy in the ordinary moments of break, and that you would each know personally the extraordinary gift of Jesus in new & refreshing ways this season.

Merry, merry Christmas friends!

Robin Brumley