4-23-13 Tomorrow Details!!!!!

Post date: Apr 24, 2013 12:45:11 AM

Just the facts tonight!

* I love your children.

*They rocked this afternoon.

*Check out photos of rehearsal here........, but first.......

*Students need to arrive tomorrow between 7:10-7:25am AT THE FRONT DOORS.

*Students will put backpacks in lockers and BE ON STAGE BY 7:30am.

*Auditorium doors open to parents and public approx. 8:20am.

*Assembly will run no later than 9:15am.

*We will party at lunch (which is provided) and gather for our final time together.

*Pictures will be made available on the Music website asap.

*Feel free to put your kids to bed early. Blame me. Or Mr. Swanson.

* I’d appreciate your continued prayers this evening.

May God be glorified in it all!

Robin Brumley