4-25-14 Current 6th & 7th Graders Alert!

Post date: Apr 25, 2014 8:24:30 PM

Good afternoon parents of 6th & 7th graders!

Earlier this week, Crusader Chorale, our 5th & 6th grade vocal performance group, presented an exciting musical, “Broadway: The Beat Goes On!” to our student body. Many students are now asking about next year. While the musical is still fresh in our minds, I’d like to share with you the exciting changes for the 2014-2015 school year; changes that may interest your son or daughter.

FALL 2014: In the last few years we’ve had groups of 7th & 8th graders desiring to perform at our Christmas events. Although there is no official club or schedule, I would be happy to facilitate a Christmas Ensemble next fall if there are enough students interested. Students would need to spend some time on their own learning music and we’d get together occasionally to rehearse here and there during lunch. I will send out a notice to gage student interest in the fall.

SPRING 2015: Here is the exciting news for next year’s 7th & 8th graders! Next April, we will be presenting the smashing musical, “Pirates!”. Participation in the musical will now be available to our 5th-6th and 7th-8th graders! Ahoy Mateys! This incredible show will be presented both in the morning AND new for 2015, in an evening performance as well! Yo Ho! After school rehearsals commitment will remain limited to once a month. Blimey! Lunch rehearsals will be twice a week. 7& 8th graders will come to rehearsals first, then eat lunch second. Girls on Mondays, Boys on Tuesdays, Together on Wednesdays - Mid January thru the April performance date. The Spring Musical schedule, is now available on the music website. These dates include all rehearsals and performances, and quite honestly, very rarely change. Many students often participate in WHCS sports, Bands and Chorale at the same time. Shiver me timbers! I am delighted to give this opportunity to our older students who continue to show a love for the performing arts!

For 2015 Spring Musical Dates & Information, click


For the recent video of this week’s musical click


For current Music Photos click


For the complete WHCS Music Website, click


Thanks for your consideration at this time. Personally, I love what Mr. Rogers used to sing- “I like to be told...” So here’s to planning ahead!

For His glory~

Robin Brumley