2-21-13 Rehearsal, T-shirt Day & the Pursuit of Excellence!

Post date: Feb 21, 2013 11:14:17 PM

Good afternoon Chorale parents!

Two important items on the agenda for today:

1. After School Rehearsal & T-shirt Day is next Tuesday, Feb. 26th!

2. Parent/child involvement & encouragement

Rehearsals are rolling along, step by step. There is much to rehearse, so we are beginning to find extra minutes here, there, and everywhere we can during the upcoming weeks. I would really appreciate a full house Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Loiler has told me that no games or practices will conflict with our 3:00-4:00 rehearsal. As we dig deeper and each day passes, I can’t help but think, “CAUTION: Musical is closer than it appears!” I’d appreciate your prayers specifically for me as I begin to make decisions regarding how to configure the production with so many students, assign them parts, sort out blocking, choreography, costuming options and issues. May God be glorified not only in the final product, but in the whole process as well!

Please encourage your son or daughter to “do the work” (practicing lyrics & dances at home) as unto the Lord. Lyric sheets have gone out for all songs (except Boogie Woogie & they can get that easy). As a choir, we are at that scary point of knowing songs “well enough” to muddle through, but not near our performance standards. God is worthy of our very best efforts! Parents, your input into this process is vital. We are at the point when we need to make the choice to be excellent. Our goal is to be our best for Him.

Thank you for allowing me to partner with you in the musical endeavors of your precious kids! They are fun & fabulous!


Robin Brumley