3-1-20 Oregon Dog Rescue Drive

Post date: Mar 01, 2020 9:9:16 PM

A merry March to you, Dalmatian families!

This month we have an opportunity to bless the people & pups of the Oregon Dog Rescue. This is a totally optional activity for cast members. I have a big dog kennel in the Music Room to fill with donations of commonly used supplies, now through our March 17th After School Rehearsal. St Patrick’s Day it is, and it’s also the first rehearsal that we have all our 4/5/6/7/8 cast members together- all 90 of them- Woof! Woof!

It’s been so sweet seeing the pictures of your dogs- some of whom, according to your children, were adopted from ODR! What a fun opportunity we have to partner with them while we’re in the midst of our canine adventure! I was quite surprised that their wish list included things I usually have around the house or already on my shopping list. Did you know they take peanut butter & string cheese? Printer paper? Paper towels & bags? And of course, all the doggie things! So interesting. Here are desired items:

Paper Towels

Zip lock Bags (quart and gallon)

Tall Kitchen Bags


4 ft Leashes (new or used)

Collars of all sizes

Plastic Crates (new or used)

Printer Paper

Nylabones (the only chews we use because they are so durable)


Pill Pockets

Potty Pads

Trifexis flea treatment

Canned dog food

String Cheese

Peanut Butter

Dog Beds of all sizes

Thanks for considering y’all!

Mrs Brumley