9-3-14 Musical Opportunity for 7th & 8th Grades

Post date: Sep 03, 2014 11:35:44 PM


Here is the big news! Participation in the spring musical is now available to our 5th-6th and 7th-8th graders! Ahoy Mateys! This incredible show will be presented both in the morning AND new for 2015, in an evening performance as well! Yo Ho! After school rehearsals are only once a month. Blimey! Lunch rehearsals will be twice a week. 7& 8th graders will come to rehearsals first, then eat lunch second:

Girls on Mondays/ Boys on Tuesdays/ Together on Wednesdays

(mid January thru the April 22nd performance date)

Although registration for the musical will not begin until December, complete Spring Musical information is available now on the this website. The dates include all rehearsals and performances, and very rarely change. Many students often participate in WHCS sports, Bands and SING at the same time. Shiver me timbers! There is a $50 fee to cover all the production costs; including music, cds, parties, props, etc. Parents of 5th & 6th graders, your fall Chorale participants may participate in the spring Musical with no additional charge. I am delighted to give this musical opportunity to our older students who continue to love the performing arts!