10-14-13 Many Reminders

Post date: Oct 14, 2013 10:50:32 PM

I have all kinds of info and reminders for you this afternoon:

First, a quick reminder that all things musical can be found on the WHCS Music Website. You are on it now! There is a special Chorale tab at the top where you can get all current & past emails, calendars, schedules and information quickly. Please, please subscribe to the Chorale UPDATES.

Rehearsals are simply at lunch time this week. Please give your child a head’s up that we will be singing thru “Celebrate” and “Here We Come” , as well as dancing! Girls can get a head start on the choreography with the link below.

Next Tuesday, Oct. 22nd is our big after school rehearsal. Students should come having lyrics memorized. Please ask your child how they are doing in this regard. We are getting into choreography. Do not be surprised if you hear your children stomping and singing along to their cds in the bathroom. I’m going to ask them to practice in front of mirrors.


The t-shirts have arrived! I will pass them out tomorrow & Wednesday. Please remind your child that these are special, for performances and should be without tears & stains, etc. We will “premiere” these shirts together next Tuesday, Oct. 22nd (same day as our after school rehearsal). This is the only day for our members to wear their shirts to school all day long (jeans, shorts, sweats are fine). We will be taking a group picture that afternoon.

Black pants & shoes needed by Dec. 5th. They will be worn with Chorale t-shirts at Washington Square, the Wheel to Walk performance, and the evening WHCS Christmas Concert. (Please note students will be in regular school clothes for our morning assembly.) FYI, our band students will also be performing in black pants at their concert.

At this point in the season, please encourage your children to practice intentionally & with purpose. Singing along to the cds aimlessly, all the time can produce bad habits. Please understand me: I am really all for the sing-a-long in the van. But there also needs to be some concentrated, individual rehearsal time. The general music class selections for our Christmas concert are included on Chorale cds as well. This should give Chorale members extra help to learn those songs. Let’s be honest. These cream-of-the-crop Chorale students are musically talented and gifted. They also have to work extra hard. Sacrifice… determination… time…. concentrated effort: all to honor our Lord with excellence!

Parents, thank you so much for taking a minute to chat about these items with your student. Blessings to y’all on this beautiful autumn day! And have a wonderful extended weekend y’all!

Robin Brumley