Глаголы мыслительной деятельности
Дата публикации: Apr 29, 2015 8:47:47 AM
1. reckon vs. think vs. guess vs. count vs. считать/рассчитывать
1. выделите диф. семы и общ. сему между reckon/think/guess/count?
2. В каком месте на ядерном уровне сшивается сема “считать”= вести математический подсчет и “считать”= составить мнение, полагать?
3 Почему в русском обе семы актуализируются одним словом:
“Я хорошо считаю (= count) в уме” -:-
“Я считаю (= think/guess), что именно так и нужно поступить” -:-
“Я рассчитываю (= reckon) прибыть в Дели в полдень.”, а в английском разными словами?
1. общая сема - мыслительная деятельность
дано (полная информация) → математика/логика → вывод (count/reckon)
нет полной информации → предположения/мнение/прогноз/суждение (think/suppose/guess/believe - линейная последовательность по убыванию интеллекта и возрастанию эмоций/веры)
знание - доверие - вера
count - reckon - think - guess
2. натуральная математика → торговля → абстрактная математика → развитие абстрактного мышления
3. Русская культура позаимствовала считать/считается/расчет/посчитать позже и уже в едином функциональном комплексе и как следствие одним словом, в то время как на западе эти понятия разделены между reckon/think/guess/count, потому что это были и есть разные социально важные операции, возникшие в различных ситуациях/соц. контекстах и/или в различные эпохи и поэтому закреплены за разными словами.
1. The time is reckoned from … — срок исчисляется с …
2. He has learned to count up to a hundred — он научился считать до ста.
3. Can't you even guess at his age? — разве вы не можете хотя бы примерно определить его возраст?
4. The National is reckoned one of the best hotels in the town. — «Националь» считается одной из лучших гостиниц города.
5. I count on his doing it. — я рассчитываю, что он это сделает.
6. I think/suppose/guess we shall see him soon. — думаю, что мы скоро увидим его
7. I'll think about it. — я подумаю об этом
8. You may count on me with security. — вы можете вполне рассчитывать на меня.
9. I can't think where he is. — Ума не приложу, куда он исчез.
Can you guess where he is? Угадай где он? Игра в прятки.
Can you think where he is? - амплификация - это больше требование/удивление, чем вопрос.
reckon /ˈrekən/
а) = reckon up считать, подсчитывать, вычислять
б) отсчитывать, вести отсчёт (от какого-л. определённого момента)
а) полагать, рассматривать, считать, придерживаться мнения
б) (reckon among) причислять к (чему-л.)
3) разг.
а) (reckon (up)on) надеяться, рассчитывать, полагаться на (кого-л. / что-л.)
б) (reckon for) рассчитывать на (что-л.); предусматривать (что-л.)
4) разг. высоко ценить, уважать
5) (reckon with)
а) рассчитываться, расплачиваться с (кем-л.)
б) принимать в расчёт (кого-л. / что-л.); считаться с (кем-л. / чем-л.)
6) (reckon without) разг. не суметь предусмотреть, не рассчитать
reckon on something - to expect something to happen or to rely on something happening
They hadn't reckoned on a rebellion.
reckon on doing something
We'd reckoned on having good weather.
rely /rɪˈlaɪ/ (rely (up)on)
1) полагаться, надеяться; доверять; быть уверенным (в чём-л.) 2) зависеть (от чего-л.)
reckon something up
(especially British English) to calculate the total amount or number of something
He reckoned up the cost of everything in his mind.
reckon with somebody | reckon with something
[usually passive] to consider or treat somebody/something as a serious opponent, problem , etc.
They were already a political force to be reckoned with.
(usually used in negative sentences) to consider something as a possible problem that you should be prepared for
synonym take something into account
reckon with doing something
I didn't reckon with getting caught up in so much traffic.
count v.
1) = count up пересчитывать; вычислять, подсчитывать, считать
2) включать, принимать во внимание
3) полагать, считать
4) иметь значение, быть важным; считаться; идти в расчёт
5) муз. считать вслух
6) (count against) говорить, свидетельствовать против
7) (count among) включать в число, группу, причислять (к какой-л. группе)
8) (count for) стоить (чего-л.)
9) (count (up)on) рассчитывать на (кого-л. / что-л.)
count somebody in
to include somebody in an activity
I hear you're organizing a trip to the game next week? Count me in!
count on somebody | count on something to trust somebody to do something or to be sure that something will happen
‘I'm sure he'll help.’ ‘Don't count on it.’
count on somebody/something somebody/something to do something I'm counting on you to help me.
count on somebody/something doing something Few people can count on having a job for life.
count on somebody/something somebody/something doing something We can't count on this warm weather lasting.
count down (to something)
to think about a future event with pleasure or excitement and count the minutes, days, etc. until it happens
She's already counting down to the big day.
count out somebody | count out something | count somebody out | count something out
to count things one after the other as you put them somewhere
She counted out $70 in $10 bills.
count somebody out
to not include somebody in an activity
If you're going out tonight you'll have to count me out.
count against somebody | count something against somebody
to be considered or to consider something to be a disadvantage in somebody
For that job her lack of experience may count against her.
He has a criminal record but we hope that prospective employers won’t count it against him.
count toward something | count towards something
to be included as part of something that you hope to achieve in the future
Students gain college credits which count towards their degree.
2. decide vs. solve vs. решить
1. Какая смысловая разница (= какая дифференцирующая сема) между decide = решить и solve = решить?
2. Какая корреляция дублета decide/solve с дублетом understand/realize?
Заполните пропуски decide/solve.
1. He is alone in his ability to solve financial problems — он обладает уникальной способностью разрешать финансовые трудности
2. You may either go or stay according as you decide — вы можете пойти или остаться, смотря по тому, как вы решите
3. She decided to let her hair grow — она решила отпустить волосы
4. It's a difficult problem but we'll find a way to solve it — это сложная проблема, но мы найдём путь её решения
3. conceive
vs. understand
vs. perceive
vs. conceptualize
vs. apprehend
vs. comprehend
Synonyms for conceive verb
conceive verb
BrE /kənˈsiːv/ ; NAmE /kənˈsiːv/
Verb Forms
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[transitive] (formal) to form an idea, a plan, etc. in your mind; to imagine something
conceive something He conceived the idea of transforming the old power station into an arts centre.
conceive of something (as something) God is often conceived of as male.
conceive (that)… I cannot conceive (= I do not believe) (that) he would wish to harm us.
conceive what/how, etc… I cannot conceive what it must be like.
[intransitive, transitive] when a woman conceives or conceives a child, she becomes pregnant
She is unable to conceive.
conceive somebody` Their first child was conceived on their wedding night.
See related entries: Pregnancy
see also conception
Word Family
conceive verb
conceivable adjective (≠inconceivable)
conceivably adverb
concept noun
conception noun
conceptual adjective
Word Origin
Middle English: from Old French concevoir, from Latin concipere, from com- ‘together’ + capere ‘take’.
Extra examples
They conceived of a theory and stuck to it.
I cannot conceive why you paid out so much money.
It is difficult to conceive of a society without money.
She was unable to conceive a child naturally and was offered fertility treatment.
The course is very broadly conceived.
The dam project was originally conceived in 1977.
The plan was brilliantly conceived.
We conceive of ourselves as individuals.
the Christian belief in Jesus as being immaculately conceived
conception noun
BrE /kənˈsepʃn/ ; NAmE /kənˈsepʃn/
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[uncountable] the process of forming an idea or a plan
The plan was brilliant in its conception but failed because of lack of money.
[countable, uncountable] conception (of something) | conception (that…) an understanding or a belief of what something is or what something should be
Marx’s conception of social justice
He has no conception of how difficult life is if you're unemployed.
[uncountable, countable] the process of an egg being fertilized inside a woman’s body so that she becomes pregnant
the moment of conception
A child is born about 40 weeks after conception takes place.
See related entries: Pregnancy
see also conceive
the Immaculate Conception noun
BrE ; NAmE [singular](religion)
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the Christian belief that the Virgin Mary’s soul was free from original sin from the moment of her conception
4. contemplate
vs. ponder
vs. consider
vs. think
vs. deliberate
contemplate verb
BrE /ˈkɒntəmpleɪt/ ; NAmE /ˈkɑːntəmpleɪt/
Verb Forms
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[transitive] to think about whether you should do something, or how you should do something
synonym consider, think about/of
contemplate something You're too young to be contemplating retirement.
contemplate doing something I have never contemplated living abroad.
contemplate how/what, etc… He continued while she contemplated how to answer.
[transitive] to think carefully about and accept the possibility of something happening
contemplate something The thought of war is too awful to contemplate.
contemplate how/what, etc… I can't contemplate what it would be like to be alone.
contemplate that… She contemplated that things might get even worse.
[transitive, intransitive] contemplate (something) (formal) to think deeply about something for a long time
to contemplate your future
She lay in bed, contemplating.
[transitive] contemplate somebody/something (formal) to look at somebody/something in a careful way for a long time
synonym stare at
She contemplated him in silence.
He sat there, contemplating his fingernails.
Word Origin
Extra examples
Are you willing to contemplate retraining?
He was very depressed and even contemplated suicide.
How could you even contemplate such an idea?
She contemplated a change of direction in her life
She was seriously contemplating moving to Mexico.
She was seriously contemplating working abroad.
The thought of war was too awful to contemplate.
We’re contemplating the possibility of moving house.
He’s only 55, but he’s already contemplating retirement.
I can’t contemplate what it would be like to be alone.