pie vs. tart vs. cake vs. flan vs. quiche
Дата публикации: Dec 26, 2015 6:43:29 PM
Difference between Cake and Pastry
Cake and Pastry, both are baked products and are made from flour. Cake is generally made from a mixture of flour, sugar, eggs, and butter or oil whereas the pastry, usually a sweet desert, essentially includes a fat that is solid in room temperature.
Cakes are of various shapes. The most popular shape is always a round shape. The cakes also are available in various flavors like vanilla, chocolate, black forest, etc. Cakes are generally decorated with icing creams and various other items like berries etc. Cakes are usually cut on birthdays, where the candles signifying the age is laid upon the cake and then the birthday boy or girl is supposed to blow off the candle.
Cake is a dessert made from sweet bread. Earlier cakes used to exist in form of normally fried breads or cheesecakes but now cakes have taken more versatile forms. The general recipe of cake requires flour, sugar, eggs, oil or butter, milk or butter and any leaving agent. Additional ingredients can be according to the desired flavour. Cake comes in different varieties, like a sponge cake that is made by preparing a runny batter. On the other hand, the batter of fruit cake is generally stiffer. Most of the cakes are made by using self raising flour.
Oxford Dictionary defines pastry as ‘a dough of flour, fat, and water, used as a base and covering in baked dishes such as pies’. Fat in the dough refers to the fat that is solid at room temperature; for example, butter, lard or margarine. Pastry uses a mixture that primarily consists of flour and fat. The flour is generally wheat flour. The wheat flour is kneaded into plain dough with water. It develops the strands of gluten. Gluten is a substance that is responsible for the elastic texture of dough. Pastries have been evolved and many variations from the basic recipe of flour, fat and water, have been obtained. One of the famous pastry of 14th century is known by the name ‘hot water crust’.
There are numerous kinds of pastries. A crumbly short crust pastry can be prepared by adding 1 part of fat with 2.5 parts of floor. A puff pastry has several layers and the fat is not thoroughly mixed in its mixture. A sweet pastry has the sugar apart from other basic ingredients.
They both are prepared from flour and are baked products. However, they differ in the type of flour that is used to prepare them. Cake flour contains less protein than pastry flour, as the protein promotes the creation of gluten. A cake is a stand alone sweet dessert, whereas the pastry can be sometimes used as standalone or can be added to other food items like added in the making of pies.
savoury adjective (especially US English savory) BrE /ˈseɪvəri/ ; NAmE /ˈseɪvəri/
1. having a taste that is salty not sweet
savoury snacks
What’s in the pastry? Is it sweet or savoury?
2. having a pleasant taste or smell
a savoury smell from the kitchen
1) острый, пикантный, пряный
2) аппетитный
3) а) образцовый, безупречный б) приятный
crust noun BrE /krʌst/ ; NAmE /krʌst/
1. [countable, uncountable] the hard outer surface of bread
sandwiches with the crusts cut off
2. [countable, usually singular] a layer of pastry, especially on top of a pie
Bake until the crust is golden.
3. [countable, uncountable] a hard layer or surface, especially above or around something soft or liquid
a thin crust of ice
the earth’s crust
earn a/your crust - (British English, informal) to earn enough money to live on
I’ve been an actor for 20 years, earning a crust wherever I can.
1. сущ.
1) корка (хлеба)
2) сухарь, чёрствый хлеб
3) австрал.; новозел. средства к существованию
4) твёрдый поверхностный слой, корка
5) мед. корка на ране, короста, струп
6) снежный наст
7) (кондитерская) глазурь
8) винный осадок (на стенках бутылки)
9) биол. раковина, экзоскелет, внешний скелет (у насекомых)
10) геол. а) земная кора б) поверхностные отложения
11) метал. настыль
12) разг. угрюмый, раздражительный человек
13) разг. дерзость, наглость, нахальство
filling noun BrE /ˈfɪlɪŋ/ ; NAmE /ˈfɪlɪŋ/
1. [countable] a small amount of metal or other material used to fill a hole in a tooth
I had to have two fillings at the dentist's today.
One of my fillings came out this morning.
She’s only eight years old and she already has five fillings.
The dentist said she would do the filling immediately.
2. countable, uncountable] food put inside a sandwich, cake, pie, etc.
a sponge cake with cream and jam filling
a wide range of sandwich fillings
3. [countable, uncountable] soft material used to fill cushions, pillows, etc.
1) наполнение
2) погрузка; насыпка
3) заливка, заправка горючим
4) пломба (в зубе)
5) тех. набивка; прокладка; шпатлёвка
6) кул. начинка, фарш
7) воен. заряд (снаряда)
8) текст. уток
9) стр. торкретирование
lard noun BrE /lɑːd/ ; NAmE /lɑːrd/ - [uncountable] a firm white substance made from the melted fat of pigs that is used in cooking
1. сущ.; = hog's lard - лярд; свиное сало, свиной жир
shortening noun BrE /ˈʃɔːtnɪŋ/ ; NAmE /ˈʃɔːrtnɪŋ/ [uncountable] - fat that is used for making pastry
2) кул. жир, добавляемый в тесто для рассыпчатости
flaky adjective BrE /ˈfleɪki/ ; NAmE /ˈfleɪki/
1. tending to break into small, thin pieces
flaky pastry
dry flaky skin
2. (informal) (of a person) behaving in a strange or unusual way; tending to forget things
He plays a flaky tourist visiting Europe.
3. (especially British English, informal, computing) that does not work well or often stops working
I found the software a bit flaky.
I had problems with a flaky Internet connection.
pastry noun BrE /ˈpeɪstri/ ; NAmE /ˈpeɪstri/ (pl. pastries)
1. [uncountable] a mixture of flour, fat and water or milk that is rolled out flat and baked as a base or covering for pies, etc.
see also choux pastry, filo pastry, puff pastry, shortcrust pastry
2. [countable] a small cake made using pastry
see also Danish pastry
magpie noun BrE /ˈmæɡpaɪ/ ; NAmE /ˈmæɡpaɪ/ - a black and white bird with a long tail and a noisy cry. There is a popular belief that magpies like to steal small bright objects.
dough noun BrE /dəʊ/ ; NAmE /doʊ/ - тесто
1. [uncountable, singular] a mixture of flour, water, etc. that is made into bread and pastry
Knead the dough on a floured surface.
Leave the dough to rise.
Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface.
2. [uncountable] (old-fashioned, slang) money
doughnut noun (also donut especially in North American English) BrE /ˈdəʊnʌt/ ; NAmE /ˈdoʊnʌt/ - a small cake made of fried dough, usually in the shape of a ring, or round and filled with jam/jelly, fruit, cream, etc. (пончик)
bagel noun BrE /ˈbeɪɡl/ ; NAmE /ˈbeɪɡl/ - a hard bread roll shaped like a ring (рогалик; бублик)
crumbly adjective BrE /ˈkrʌmbli/ ; NAmE /ˈkrʌmbli/ - that easily breaks into very small pieces (крошащийся, рассыпчатый, хрупкий, ломкий, рыхлый)
crumbly soil/cheese
The cake should have a light and crumbly texture.
mold noun(especially US English) (British English, Canadian English mould) BrE /məʊld/ ; NAmE /moʊld/
1. [countable] a container that you pour a liquid or soft substance into, which then becomes solid in the same shape as the container, for example when it is cooled or cooked
A clay mold is used for casting bronze statues.
Pour the chocolate into a heart-shaped mold.
They broke the mold when they made you (= there is nobody like you).
2. [countable, usually singular] a particular style showing the characteristics, attitudes or behaviour that are typical of somebody/something
a hero in the ‘Superman’ mold
He is cast in a different mold from his predecessor.
She doesn’t fit (into) the traditional mold of an academic.
3. [uncountable, countable] a fine soft green, grey or black substance like fur that grows on old food or on objects that are left in warm wet air
There's mold on the cheese.
molds and fungi
mold growth
break the mold (of something) - to change what people expect from a situation, especially by acting in a dramatic and original way
1) плесень, плесневой гриб; плесневеть, покрываться плесенью
2) форма || формовать
3) лекало; шаблон || делать по шаблону
4) метал. литейная форма, кокиль; изложница
5) мульда (нем. mulde — корыто) — форма залегания слоёв горных пород в виде чаши или корытообразного прогиба, поверхность снежной равнины или ледника, имеющая вид желобка
6) муляж
7) пресс-форма || прессовать; опрессовывать
8) опалубка
9) слепок
mold verb(especially US English) (British English, Canadian English mould) BrE /məʊld/ ; NAmE /moʊld/
1. [transitive] to shape a soft substance into a particular form or object by pressing it or by putting it into a mold
mold A (into B) First, mold the clay into the desired shape.
mold B (from/out of/in A) The figure had been molded in clay.
2. [transitive] to strongly influence the way somebody’s character, opinions, etc. develop
mold somebody/something The experience had molded and coloured her whole life.
mold somebody/something into somebody/something He molded them into a superb team.
3. [intransitive, transitive] mold (something) to something to fit or make something fit tightly around the shape of something
The fabric molds to the body.
unmolded - вынутый из формы
meringue noun BrE /məˈræŋ/ ; NAmE /məˈræŋ/ [uncountable, countable] - a sweet white mixture made from egg whites and sugar, usually baked until crisp and used to make cakes; a small cake made from this mixture (безе)
a lemon meringue pie
custard noun BrE /ˈkʌstəd/ ; NAmE /ˈkʌstərd/ - сладкий заварной крем (из яиц и молока)
1. [uncountable] (especially British English) (usually North American English custard sauce) a sweet yellow sauce made from milk, sugar, eggs and flour, usually served hot with cooked fruit, puddings, etc.
apple pie and custard
Strain the custard to remove lumps.
2. [countable, uncountable] a mixture of eggs, milk and sugar baked until it is firm