Hill 14. Prepositions + phrasals
Дата публикации: Apr 10, 2015 11:56:21 AM
Read the text and type the prepositions: FOR, IN, AT, ON, TO, or OF in each box.
Miss Miller lived beside a church [in] a small street [in] a town. She did not have a car.
On Friday she always walked [to] the bus stop, and then she went [to] the market and bought food [for] the next week.
There were usually a lot of people [in] the bus, but Miss Miller always found a seat.
One [of] the houses [at] the corner [of] Miss Miller's street was empty [for] a long time, but then a family came and lived [in] it.
There was a man and his wife and two children.
The children went [to] school [in] the bus [in] the morning.
[On] Friday Miss Miller went [to] the house and visited the children's mother.
She said [to] her, "Good morning. My name's Jane Miller, and I live beside the church [in] this street. I'm going [to] the market now. Do you need any food?"
"Good morning," the woman said [to] her visitor, "you're very kind. My name's Mary Adams. Yes, I need food [for] my lunch today and [for] our supper tonight. And I need some fish [for] the cat. I don't know the way [to] the market yet. Can I come with you?"
"Please do," Jane answered.
Mary put her coat [on], and the two women went out and walked along [to] the bus stop.
They waited there, and Jane said [to] her new friend, "There's a bus [at] five minutes [to] ten. It's always full, but I get a seat."
"Oh? Is that easy?" Mary asked.
Jane smiled and answered, "Wait and you'll see."
The bus came, and the two women got [in].
It was full, but Jane said, "Perhaps those two very handsome men will give us their seats."
Six men stood up quickly, and both the women went and sat down [in] the nearest seats.
Предлоги + фразовые
1. in vs. on (place)
Miss Miller lived beside a church [in] a small street [in] a town.
See in vs. on (коллектор) in the street vs. on the street
There were usually a lot of people [in] the bus, but Miss Miller always found a seat.
The children went [to] school [in] the bus [in] the morning.
Mary put her coat [on], and the two women went out and walked along [to] the bus stop.
See in vs. on (коллектор) put on vs. put in.
Six men stood up quickly, and both the women went and sat down [in] the nearest seats.
2. in vs. on (time)
On Friday she always walked [to] the bus stop
3. for
She bought food [for] the next week
One [of] the houses [at] the corner [of] Miss Miller's street was empty [for] a long time,but then a family came and lived [in] it.
I need food [for] my lunch today and [for] our supper tonight. And I need some fish [for] the cat.
4. at
One [of] the houses [at] the corner [of] Miss Miller's street was empty [for] a long time,but then a family came and lived [in] it.
There's a bus [at] five minutes [to] ten.
5. to walk along vs. to walk
Mary put her coat [on], and the two women went out and walked along [to] the bus stop.
vs. On Friday she always walked [to] the bus stop
5.5 to go out vs. to go to
Mary put her coat [on], and the two women went out and walked along [to] the bus stop.
vs. she went [to] the market
6. beside
Miss Miller lived beside a church [in] a small street [in] a town.
7. The bus came, and the two women got [in].
see Десемантизированные глаголы. To get
8. to stand up vs. to sit down
Six men stood up quickly, and both the women went and sat down [in] the nearest seats.
1) There was a man and his wife and two children. vs. There were usually a lot of people [in] the bus.
рассогласование в числе?
2) I'm going [to] the market now.
1. See a bus stop vs. a bus station
2. Perhaps those two very handsome men will give us their seats
H-> On Friday she always walked [to] the bus stop, and then she went [to] the market and bought food [for] the next week.
H<- One [of] the houses [at] the corner [of] Miss Miller's street was empty [for] a long time, but then a family came and lived [in] it.
H-> The children went [to] school [in] the bus [in] the morning.
H-> [On] Friday Miss Miller went [to] the house and visited the children's mother.
H<- Can I come with you?
H<- The bus came, and the two women got [in].
H-> both the women went and sat down [in] the nearest seats
Do you need any food?
Yes, I need food [for] my lunch today and [for] our supper tonight. And I need some fish [for] the cat. I don't know the way [to] the market yet. Can I come with you?
I'm going [to] the market now.
Perhaps those two very handsome men will give us their seats