IS. The Apprentice. Ep.6 "Tit For Tat". p.1
Дата публикации: Jul 31, 2016 2:8:25 PM
From the start up to 22’56’’
1 Revise your knowledge of the previous episode:
1.1 Replace the words in bold with the voc units from episode 5:
This is the name of some spiritual song from 1930s that became a standard campfire song in Scouting = kumbayah
You should get the deal quickly, especially before anyone can get it = to nab - to quickly take something, or to take some advantage схватить
The guerrillas show that they have it to a great extent: every town they say, is under their control.
They spoke with a strong feeling of fear, worry and sadness. = ??? exude (from somebody) if you exude a particular feeling or quality, or it exudes from you, people can easily see that you have it
The pollution could destroy a very big number of species. = to decimate
This is a trade fair where you can sell cheap used goods. = a fleamarket
- The coffee was almost too hot to swallow and thus he was unable to breathe properly.
- A panic-stricken crowd was running in disorganized and quick manner.
- The local feeling does not necessarily coincide with the press’s one.
- I don’t deserve to be made a scapegoat for a couple of lousy results.
1.2 Translate into English:
- К большому разочарованию нашей команды, мы не будем принимать участие в соревновании.
- Ему, как менеджеру, сделали выговор за очереднойпровалившийся проект.
- Вследствие кризиза наша команда недосчиталась многих талантливых специалистов.
- В нынешней ситуации люди должны хвататься за любую возможность улучшить жизнь.
- В тот момент я был очень зол и даже не думал о последствиях.
- Он думает, что его комментарии смешные, а на самом деле они вызывают смущение.
- Хорошо, когда можно говорить, что думаешь. Однако, следует учитывать ситуацию, в которой ты находишься. Иногда лучше промолчать.
- У меня был соблазн заняться этим делом, а сейчас я почти полный банкрот.
2. Work with the vocabulary unit from distraught to demeanor. Specify the situations they were used in.
distraught extremely worried, upset, or confused обеспокоенный After four straight losses, the men of Versacorp were distraught.
to turn on sb to change one’s attitude towards sb (e.g. become hostile) изменить отношение But in the boardroom, Jessie turned on Kristi.
to seal one’s fate to decide one’s destiny решить судьбу If I pull off a victory, I will seal my fate in this game.
an eyesore sth unpleasant to look at нечто неприглядное, бельмо на глазу It used to be a real eyesore.
to do sth for peanuts to do sth for a very low price сделать работу за копейки I want to build the rink. I'll do it in four months...
and I'll do it for peanuts
to squeeze in to be able to do something, even though you do not have much time втиснуть And I did explain the situation to Kate, and we are able to squeeze you in.
* I can squeeze a meeting in early tomorrow morning.
to bang to make a loud noise; HERE to bang on sb = to hang up on sb бросить трубку I'm sorry. I had to bang it on 'em. They're not listening to me.
awestruck feeling extremely impressed by something пораженный Kwame and Omarosa got awestruck a little bit, and...
back-and-forth unresolved argument or discussion дискуссия, спор And so that back-and-forth was good, 'cause it helped us break the ice a little bit.
demeanor the way you look and behave поведение Troy's a great closer. His country demeanor helped close the deal.
a loose cannon a member of a group or team who tends to do unexpected things that could cause problems for the other members потенциальрый источник проблем Tammy is a loose cannon. If it were up to me, I would actually request that she never attended any meetings that we had.
to nail to do something in a perfect way
Okay! I think we've got it nailed, right?
a slumber party an occasion when a group of children all sleep at the house of one child
sundae сливочное мороженое с фруктами, орехами This type of task is like the cherry, on top of a sundae.
to shush to tell someone to be quiet Tammy may need to get shushed.
be on the same page to understand and agree with what is being done or suggested She's not on the same page.
!!! Not only is she not on the same page, she's not reading the same book.
to have a pit in one’s stomach to have a bad feeling At that point, I just had this pit in my stomach, thinking, We're gonna lose:"
to ratchet up to increase irreversibly Isaac Mizrahi came out of the blocks in a full sprint. It ratcheted up... to $7,000 in a matter of, like, ten seconds.
toe-to-toe in close and direct confrontation I mean, I can go toe-to-toe with the best of them.
to succumb to give up сдаться, поддаваться I think, sometimes, being a leader, you succumb to the pressure--
finesse skill in dealing with difficult situations, especially situations in which you might easily offend people утонченность, изысканность I haven't always thought that she was professional, nor does she have much class. - Or finesse.
a pet peeve больное место I-I know, and I have such a pet peeve about my name,
abrasive irritating раздражающий Omarosa has a tendency to be abrasive.
3. Answer the questions:
Why did Jessy turn on Kristi?
What is tough cookie? Whom did DT characterize this way?
What is DT mostly proud of?
How much time did it take him to make it be not like an eyesore?
What is the task?
Where is it to be done?
What is the reward?
4. Fill in the missing words:
The first appointment was Russell Simmons.
Right, so what are we here to do today?
We're here to discuss the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation.
So what we'd like to talk about is _________ ______________ ________________ about the foundation
Are you a lawyer? What's your background?
My background's on Wall Street.
And so, one of the ideas we _____________ _____________ ________________ was... a New Year's Eve personalized concert and _____________.
No. What are the other ideas?
Okay. The other ideas that we have are, uh, one year, ______________ __________________ _____________
That's no good. Next?
I don't know. I think he thought I was pretty stiff. So, you know, I couldn't be all completely myself, which I think hurt me.
The reason we're adding so many different elements is because this is a _____________ _______________, and we have to make it as appealing as possible.
- I don't like any of those.
- None of them?
Not really.
Kwame and Omarosa got ______________ a little bit, and... I didn't really feel the gravity of Russell.
That's what we come up with, Russell. What we had the idea is--
Say that again?
- Where are you from?
I'm from Idaho, but ______________ from Montana.
You're not self-conscious about your accent, are you?
You can make fun of my accent. That's all right.
Russell looked at Troy as if he was from Mars. Russell is an _____________ guy from Queens, New York. Troy's accent is Great Montana, Idaho. And so that ___________________ was good, 'cause it helped us break the ice a little bit.
If you would be willing to honor one person for one night and make them the center of attention.
That's a good idea. That sounds like, to me, I'd spend some time with a person, and so I could--
Yeah, just make 'em feel as good as you can.
Troy's a great ______________. His country ______________ helped close the deal.
Thank you for bein' here.
5. What’s wrong?
So, we're about to meet Carson Daly, who is a host amongst many other things... for, mostly, the music industry. So we're hoping to sort of secure, um, backstage tickets-- something to that extent.
So we wanted to talk to you about some potential ideas for donations for tomorrow's event.
So, what type of New York concerts are coming up?
The Christmas shows, which are really popular.
- Are you emceeing any of them or--
- I'll probably do something at the Z100 Christmas "Jingle Ball."
It's like a very, very big event.
So would you be open to doing something like hosting a limo ride and nine tickets... for a group of people to attend that event?
It is a great musical experience. It's one of the few when you get all these artists under one roof at one time.
- They all sing their hit songs--
- So, you know Tiger Woods? I know you've played with him. Could you guys get a round together and maybe fill it out with another couple?
- You-- What have you been drinkin' tonight?
- What are you talkin' about?
That's shooting high.
I can't get Tiger Woods these days to do my own musical show, not to mention play golf.
But he loves golf, and so do you, so you can go out and have some fun.
Yeah, I know, it sounds simple, but he's very busy.
Tammy was more like, "You know, Carson, we don't really care about you,
but we care about who you know" And that's the time that Ereka and I just stared at each other and were like, "Oh, please, dear Lord, shut up when we're making progress. Just keep your mouth shut"
- Let's shelve the golf thing for a minute.
Is there another sort of... thing that you might have thought of... that I could offer?
Like flying away with you somewhere for a romantic weekend?
Boy, you are really swinging for the fence, aren't you?
I can't even do that on my own time.
Not to mention with a perfect stranger.
Really? Get a life.
Yeah, no kidding.
I like the Z100 Jingle Ball.
But would you feel comfortable, then, taking them backstage, introducing them, and they would get to stay and experience the entire ball?
I think that's viable.
How 'bout like-- going back to the golf thing for just a second-- like a celebrity and you, so we don't know who this other celebrity is yet.
Let's stick to this Z100 thing. I think that's a good idea.
Celebrities are real people. They just happen to be doing jobs in the public's sight. And it's just a business transaction for me.
So, we've got your commitment, then, for the experience of a "Day in the Life with Carson Daly... at Z100 Jingle Ball"?
Tammy is a loose cannon. If it were up to me, I would actually... request that she never attended any meetings that we had.
Okay, we'll send you a copy.
6. Put then phrases in the right order:
Are we just gonna snap and be happy?
- Fab Five!
Well, gentlemen, what we've come here today to do is talk to you about... what we can do for the children-- Pediatric AIDS Society... is who we're trying to benefit here. Snaps for a good cause.
I'm from Boise, Idaho. Originally Montana.
What is the belt situation?
You might as well be naked if you have no belt on.
Are you ready for the Fab Five, baby?
I can handle the Fab Five.
A country, innocent boy who doesn't know how to dress? I mean, I was a virgin on prom night to those kids.
* Fab Five, Fab Five *
And guess what? Once that happened, bam, I was in like Flynn.
Disco bowling. With the flashing lights and the music?
You want to be an intern, don't you?
Troy and l work so well together. He's from Idaho, and he's aggressive, but he's a little bit more passive, and that Southern charm-- I get that New York in me. I'm aggressive. I like to close the deal. I think I did a-- [ Beeps ] fantastic job.
- Which is pretty much the same thing.
- What we're trying to do is, we're trying to come up with an idea... that we can maximize the dollars for an auction.
Like have you guys take a guest to a conservative golf course... and just go on fashion patrol.
- I like golf because it involves cute shoes... that we don't normally get to wear.
- What if we came up with another activity that was similar to golfing involving balls... that we could also do, perhaps in the city?
- How many times do you get to see gay guys bowling?
Okay! I think we've got it nailed, right?
Snap and be gay.
That was really clever, you guys. And it involves balls.
We go to meet with the Fab Five, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. I wanted to have a strategy to warm these guys up. What is their job? Their job is to critique straight men. You can't have a straighter man than a country kid from Boise, Idaho. I simply took my belt off, slipped it off, and I stuffed it into my bag.
7. What is missing? Put the words into the correct places.
crazy couple patronized Clothes
stunted a doll auction
Isaac, how are you?
Good, thank you. Are you the--
We are the apprentices.
The next person that we went to see was Isaac Mizrahi. He custom-designs ……. and stuff... for "Tar-jay." The person that did the pitch was Jessie.
Mr. Mizrahi, what we're gonna do is, we're representing an auction. A charity ……, that will be on tomorrow evening. What's going to go on at this auction is, people are going to be bidding on an experience.
Okay. I love how you're speaking to me as though I have never spoken the English language.
It's okay. No, it's fine, it's fine. You're a doll. Go on. You're ….. .
She totally …. the man. She talked to him like he was a four-year-old. But I'm not certain that she caught that. And she continued to talk very, very, slowly with him and it started to irritate him. I mean, it was driving me …., and I kept looking at George's face, who was observing her negotiation, and he was cringing.
So we're thinking eight designed pieces, personally designed, from you.
You get a consultation-- Personal consultation, help from you-- I mean, a party, my gosh, maybe dinner. Where you're the guest of honor.
Omarosa would jump in when I was speaking and kind of … my ability to negotiate well, because someone was standing over my shoulder tapping me constantly.
- We came up with "Fashion Week"
- Ah, I knew it, I knew it. Man!
Go ahead! What is it? Yes, I'm disappointed. "Fashion Week."
That's so much work, y'all! That's like a full-time job.
Jessie gave her pitch, and he kind of looked at us, and he was like, " No, I'm sorry. I don't like that!" And I chose to put one step forward.
How about what you do-- you do a … things with your chic ideas, and we do a preview of your collection.
- How about that?
- We do a preview of your--
Oh, my God! We do a preview of your collection.
Don't you think that sounds like a lot of fun? They could get to come--
They get to see the collection!
Snappy, fun--
Preview minimum eight looks from Isaac "Miz-zah--"
- Oh, Lord. I got your name right, baby. I just took it a looser way.
- You got it right.
Forget it! Forget it, the president of Donald Trump Corporation?