6th July 2018

Post date: 06-Jul-2018 18:03:38

Peter and Lucy are back from Yorkshire. Lucy is very suntanned after walking on the moors, but Peter, as usual, had to be careful and is just a blotchy pink. They reported seeing the smoke from the wildfires on Saddleworth moor as they went through Stalybridge on the train. There's still no let up in the drought and heat. Jonah is keeping me busy every evening watering the garden in the hope of saving the fruit and vegetables. A lot of the flower borders have had to be left to dry out and go brown. We can only hope that the herbaceous perennials survive to come up again next year.

Meanwhile, during the daytime, we're still trying to get to the bottom of the various incidents involving gay-run businesses. There have been some more anonymous letters delivered overnight and some of the private hire cars belonging to Ian Lane's company acquired some unwanted comment in spray paint while they were on a garage forecourt waiting to be collected after routine servicing. The individuals affected are all starting to get jittery, especially Christopher Jackson, who is the only one who has actually been abused in person.

Never mind! It's Saturday tomorrow, so we can relax for a while and leave other members of the team to have a go at working out what's going on.

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