10th June 1995

Post date: 08-Sep-2015 08:47:47


Dramatic developments! I got a call at about 3 p.m. from the Fazakerley woman. She was clearly excited and started telling me about something she’d found in Ahmed Khalifa’s DPhil thesis. Then suddenly there was a bang and a lot of confused noise and the line went dead.

I knew at once that something was wrong, so I went straight over to her house, down the Cowley Road. When I got there, I couldn’t get any answer at the door and then I saw smoke through the front room window. I rang for assistance and then I broke down the door and got inside. Dr Fazakerley was there in the hall, unconscious on the floor with a nasty head wound. She must have been trying to get out. I pulled her out and tried to resuscitate her while we waited for the ambulance. She’s being kept in the hospital overnight.

They did a brain scan and they say the bang on the head hasn’t done any real damage, but they’re keeping her sedated and won’t let me talk to her until the morning. Johns seems quite cut up about the business and he wanted to be the one to talk to her, but I’ve told him the best thing he can do is to keep trying to make something of that computer file – which must be important if it prompted someone to try to kill again.

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