4. 4 Richard's patience pays off

(Continued from previous posts.)

Sergeant Paige, however, thought differently. He realised that the boys were wary of authority and frightened of Murdishaw’s rather hectoring manner. He asked me to go with him to their house one evening. He got me to show the boys my handcuffs and truncheon and to let them try on my helmet. Jenny made us all hot chocolate to drink and then we all sat down together and just talked for about two hours before Paige started to bring the conversation round to the subject of Ian and his friendship with the man in the street.

Anthony hesitated at first and then asked if he could talk to Paige on his own. I remember Paige looking up at Jenny to check it was all right with her. She nodded and told them to go in the kitchen. I stayed with her and the other boys and tried to keep them occupied so that they wouldn’t sneak off to find out what Richard and Anthony were talking about. I noticed that Paul was looking distinctly uncomfortable and guessed that he knew what Anthony wanted to tell Richard and wasn’t very happy about it.

After a few minutes Richard came back in and told Jenny to go and thank Anthony for giving him a big clue to help the investigation. Then he called me and we both headed off. I was burning to hear what the big clue was but Richard wouldn’t say anything until he’d called Murdishaw and asked him to meet him at the police station.

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