Jonah's Casenotes

I promised Bernie that I'd write up some of my old cases to put on this site. After all, I can't have old Peter stealing a march on me with his memoirs! Of course, he has the advantage of being retired, while I'm still holding down a full-time DCI job, so it's been slow-going for me and it may be a while before I've got anything knocked into good enough shape to reveal to the World. It's also frustratingly slow when I have the choice of typing with three fingers or using voice-recognition software and then having to go through correcting all the errors which that creates. Bernie says that it would work fine if I spoke more clearly and wasn't always in such a tearing hurry, but she's a fine one to talk about enunciating one's vowels correctly!

The other difficulty was knowing where to begin when there are so many interesting cases to choose from. And then, of course, all the more recent ones still have to be kept under wraps for reasons of confidentiality and data protection. In the end, I decided to start with a simple case, which I was involved with while I was still a humble PC. It didn't seem important at the time, but years later I realised that it as my first, albeit indirect, contact with Bernie and Co. I'm working on polishing the narrative and I've now uploaded the first episode. I hope you like it. Keep watching this space for future instalments.