Lucy's space

About this page

Hi there! I'm Lucy Paige and this is my part of the family website. People often ask why my surname is different from my Mam's. (They also ask why I call her "Mam" and not "Mum", like everyone else, but that's another story.) She was well-known in university circles long before she met my Dad and so she stayed Bernie Fazakerley after they got married - although she usually turns into Mrs Paige for parents' evenings! (Which is a bit bonkers because she's really Mrs Johns now, but that's another other story!) If all that sounds rather complicated, I'll try to explain.

My Mam, Bernie, married my dad, Detective Superintendent Richard Paige, in 1997. He was killed in the course of duty in 1999, about six months before I was born. Peter Johns and his wife, Angie, were my godparents. Then Angie died in 2003 and Peter married my Mam in 2006. He tells me that was just so that he could be my real Daddy instead of just my godfather. So that's my family: me, Mam and Peter.

At least, that would be my family, except that there are a few other people who aren't proper family, but seem like it. Stan and Sylvia Corbridge are old friends of my Mam's. They moved down from Newcastle when Stan retired from the shipyards so that they could help look after me. That was in 2004. Mam was engaged to their son, Stephen, years and years ago, but he died before they could get married. Martin Riess is a friend of my Mam's and his mother used to be friends with my father. He has a narrow boat on the Oxford canal, which he takes me out in sometimes. And then there's Jonah - or Detective Chief Inspector Jonah Porter to give him his full name - who lives with us. He's got his own page on the site, so you can read all about him there. (Or at least you will be able to when he finishes polishing his notes and gets them uploaded for you to see!)

I drew the picture of our house that you can see on the front page. My mam told me that the first one I drew had got the perspective al wrong. she said it looked as if I was looking down on it from a helicopter. Then she went on about projective geometry and vanishing points and finally took me outside with an overhead projector transparency and a marker pen. She told me to hold it up and look through it with one eye closed. Then I had to mark dots on the transparency where all the corners of the house looked as if they were. After that, we went inside and joined the dots and that told me how to draw the walls. Peter said he couldn't see what all the fuss was about and that my first picture was very good, but I do think this new one looks better. You can see my old picture below, so judge for yourself!