4th July 2020

Post date: 04-Jul-2020 18:50:26

While half the world seems to be queuing for a haircut in readiness for a visit to the pub, we've been helping Father Damien to prepare the church for the first public mass since lockdown. peter and I are going to be stationed outside to control how many people go in and how close together, and Jonah has volunteered to supervise the hand sanitising station just inside the door (which will be left open throughout to ensure a good flow of fresh air and prevent people needing to touch the handle. We've put up notices exaplaining the routine and marked the aisles at 2m intervals to keep people apart. We three will all be wearing face masks and Damien will put on both mask and gloves before distributing the wafers. I hope we've got all bases covered and nobody will catch COVID-19 through coming to St Cyprians!

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