22nd February 2021

Chrissie read out her Victim Personal Statement in court today. Then she read out Yvonne’s for her too. The judge thanked her very nicely before going through the lengthy process of sentencing them all for all the different offences that they’ve committed, some of which they pleaded guilty to. It all got rather complicated, but the bottom line is that all four of them (including Mrs Butler, who wasn’t actually present at either of the killings) have been given life sentences, with minimum terms in prison of between twenty-five and thirty-two years. Shane Butler got the longest minimum term, which I reckon is because the judge didn’t agree with the jury finding him not guilty of Kenny’s murder – or maybe she’s just very down on reckless driving!

With lockdown and social distancing, we weren’t able to have a proper chat with Gavin or Stella afterwards. I hope they feel things are settled now and they can take their lives off hold and start looking forward again.

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