Uninstall the JumpCloud Agent

If you don't want JumpCloud to manage a device, remove the following components:

If a device is active, all of these components are automatically removed for you. You can find the status of a device in the Admin Portal in the Devices list. Depending on the device status, the agent's components are uninstalled in the following ways:

Component Uninstall Based on Device Status

There are two methods to uninstall the agent:

Both of these tools can uninstall all agent components from Mac, Windows, and Linux devices.


Using the Admin Portal to Uninstall the Agent

When you remove the agent from a device, all associated policies, files, and directories are also removed. 


To uninstall the agent from the Admin Portal:

The device's record is removed from the Admin Portal.

Best Practice:

If you're removing the agent from a Windows device, verify the JumpCloud policies have been removed by running this command as administrator:

If they remain, you need to manually remove policies from the Windows device.

Using the JumpCloud API to Uninstall the Agent

Follow these steps to run a curl command to access the JumpCloud API and uninstall the agent. The JumpCloud API allows interaction with JumpCloud resources such as commands, devices, and users.


To uninstall the agent from the Admin Portal:

When the command completes successfully, the system's record is removed from the Admin Portal.

Best Practice:

If they remain, you must manually remove policies from the Windows devices.

Manually Remove the Agent from an Inactive Device

You should use these steps only if you want to uninstall the agent from a device that has a status of Inactive, System Not Reporting in the Admin Portal.


To manually remove the agent:
Use the steps in the following table for the OS on your system.

Manually Remove JumpCloud Policies from a Windows Device

Follow these steps only after you have uninstalled the agent. If the JumpCloud policies weren't automatically removed, you can manually remove them from the Windows device.

Warning: When you clear the device's local Group Policy cache, you're removing not only JumpCloud policies, but all other policies that have been applied, including Windows User and Group policies.

In these steps, you'll use the secedit command to clear the system's local Group Policy cache. The secedit command lets you configure the current device's security settings stored in a database.

To remove JumpCloud policies from a Windows device:

Device Status After Removing JumpCloud

When you remove JumpCloud from a device, either by deleting the device in the Admin Portal, or by manually removing the agent from the system, the following will occur:

Your Data In JumpCloud