Выпуск 59 The official Russian newspaper of William & Mary Октябрь 2020-ого г.


Dear Readers/Дорогие Читатели,

We are so glad that everyone contributed their unique pieces to our new edition of Gazeta. Fortunately, previous Gazeta editions are archived on the William & Mary website, which will be also be available here. The good news is that our site gives us the opportunity to make our student’s articles more interactive, thematic, and accessible. Welcome to the Gazeta staff’s version of “turning lemons into lemonade” during difficult times: the very first edition of Gazeta online!

-Elizabeth Rives, Head Editor

Fall 2020 Gazeta Staff:

Head Editor: Elizabeth Rives

Russian Language Editors: Yana Tsvetaeva, Ryan Klopp, and Mira Wroblewski

English Language Editor: Fallon O'Malley

Glosser: Rodrigo Arias

Staff Writers: Celia Metzger (crosswords), Mira Wroblewski

Illustrator: Undra Tsend

Instructor: Bella Ginzbursky-Blum