Выпуск  68                            The official Russian newspaper of William & Mary                   Ноябрь 2022-ого г.


Dear Readers/Дорогие Читатели,

As the Fall semester comes to a close, we hope our latest edition provides you with a moment to enjoy some light reading. Thank you to all of our amazing RPSS students who contributed to this year's newspaper and made it such a success - it would not be possible without you! From everyone on the Gazeta staff, we wish you the best of luck on finals and happy holidays!

-Yasha Barth, Head Editor

Fall 2022 Gazeta Staff:

Head Editor: Yasha Barth

Russian Language Editors: Alina Uzakpayeva and Yasha Barth

English Language Editor: Sarah Lage

Glosser: Maggie Coffey

Staff Writers: Alina Uzakpayeva, Sarah Lage, Maggie Coffey (in Russian), Greta Lin Risgin, and Max Vindman

Illustrator: Greta Lin Risgin

Instructor: Bella Ginzbursky-Blum