Выпуск  73                            The official Russian newspaper of William & Mary                   Март 2024-ого г.


Dear Readers/Дорогие Читатели,

As we enter the second half of the semester, I am feeling such nostalgia and gratitude for the Russian Studies Department and the wonderful four years I've spent with the faculty and students who are a part of it. I hope that this issue of Gazeta brings a little bit of joy to your busy life as it has mine! It is always a pleasure to read the submissions of the talented and creative students who submit pieces. The Gazeta staff wish you a wonderful spring semester!

  – Sarah Lage, Head Editor

Spring 2024 Gazeta Staff:

Head Editor: Sarah Lage

Assistant Head Editor: Carina Shalkivski

Russian Language Editors: Carina Shalkivski 

English Language Editor: Monica Sullivan

Glosser: William Walton

Staff Writers: Sarah Lage, Carina Shalkivski, Monica Sullivan, William Walton, Sammy Jennings, Stephen Dalil

Illustrator: Greta Lin Risgin

Instructor: Bella Ginzbursky-Blum