Выпуск 67 The official Russian newspaper of William & Mary Октябрь 2022-ого г.
Dear Readers/Дорогие Читатели,
Happy Fall from everyone at Gazeta! As another school year gets underway, we are pleased to continue our online newspaper and thank everyone for their wonderful submissions. We hope this edition gives you a moment to relax from the stresses of coursework and connect with others within the diverse RPSS community. Have a wonderful and successful semester and be sure to take some time for yourself and enjoy the beautiful Fall scenery.
-Yasha Barth, Head Editor
Fall 2022 Gazeta Staff:
Head Editor: Yasha Barth
Russian Language Editors: Alina Uzakpayeva and Yasha Barth
English Language Editor: Sarah Lage
Glosser: Maggie Coffey
Staff Writers: Alina Uzakpayeva, Sarah Lage, Maggie Coffey (in Russian), Greta Lin Risgin (comic strip), and Max Vindman
Illustrator: Greta Lin Risgin
Instructor: Bella Ginzbursky-Blum