Выпуск  74                            The official Russian newspaper of William & Mary                   Апрель 2024-ого г.


Dear Readers/Дорогие Читатели,

As we approach the end of the semester, I would like to express my profound gratitude to the Russian Studies Department and everyone who is a part of it– professors and students alike. I'm certain I speak for both myself and the rest of the class of 2024 (majors and minors!) when I say that you all have made this department feel like home! Sammy Jennings will serve as the next head editor of Gazeta, and we are all looking forward to seeing the incredible work she and the rest of the staff will produce in the future. The Gazeta staff wish you a wonderful end to the semester and a peaceful summer!

  – Sarah Lage, Head Editor

Spring 2024 Gazeta Staff:

Head Editor: Sarah Lage

Assistant Head Editor: Carina Shalkivski

Russian Language Editors: Carina Shalkivski 

English Language Editor: Monica Sullivan

Glosser: William Walton

Staff Writers: Carina Shalkivski, Monica Sullivan, William Walton, Sammy Jennings, Stephen Dalil

Illustrator: Greta Lin Risgin

Instructor: Bella Ginzbursky-Blum