Recent Progress



Volunteers have worked faithfully and diligently to help correct formatting and typo errors that persist on this site from our move from previous sites.

This is a tremendous task and we applaud you and appreciate you!

More work has been accomplished in moving /relocating passages from old websites of Ezekiel and Exodus. Plans for other salvage efforts are underway as well as various other passages. This is an on going task. We appreciate your support of this project. It is costly and time consuming.

We recently purchased a MS from the 1880's that will assist us in our work. Although it took a substantial amount to purchase, it was necessary. Your donations help us to access material that has lain hidden for centuries.

Pray for our Leaders. Health Issues have plagued them this year and your prayers are appreciated.

Work is advancing on the translation efforts of other passages.

More can be done if you sponsor our workers.

We try to give them a living wage but that is not possible without your generous giving.