12. Maps

The Columbia River Highwayv.2020.07.30.007Google Earth

The KML map includes much more information than just the old route. It is a major piece of this project and represents many hours of work, though it is still very much a work in process. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful and informative!

To view it in Google Earth Pro:

  1. Download the most current file (Right Click, Save Link As... on the file link above)

  2. Open using Google Earth Pro.

To save it in Google Earth Pro:

  1. Move it out of the Temporary Places folder

  2. Click File/Save/Save My Places

If you need to install Google Earth Pro on your computer, visit:


Key (Generally):

  • Yellow - Confirmed/Walkable

  • Green - Confirmed/Drivable

  • Blue - Improved US 30 Water Level Route

  • Red - Destroyed

  • Orange - Unconfirmed

  • Olive - HCRH State Trail (New Alignment)

  • Purple - The Dalles to Sandy River Military Road / Early Routes / Other Roads

  • Other Colors - Other Roads

On Your Phone or Tablet...

It is also possible to install this map on the Google Earth mobile app. It is a little bit more complicated, but contact me if you need help, and if there is enough interest, I'll write up the instructions and share them here.

Basically, you download the KML file to your phone, and then in the app go to Projects to load it. Then, to reload it later, you just need to open up the project.


CLICK HERE to continue exploring the highway

KML Updates

July 30, 2020

Now that the site rebuild is done, and all of the map changes that came along with that, I am finally comfortable releasing the long overdue Version 7 of the KML file!

While the folders are still a bit jumbled (v.008 will have everything in order from west to east, like the website), The data is the most up to date there is at this time on the original route and various locations along the Columbia River Highway.

March 3, 2020

This is more of a note for myself than anything else, but it just occurred to me that there are a lot of updates to the KML file on my desktop PC that has been offline for the last few years. It might be a bit before I get it up and running again, but down the road I'll need to reconcile those changes with the updates I am currently making.

So, for now, I plan on releasing an updated KML file in early April, after completing the site rebuild and recent updates from the field.

After that, the next update should concern those reconciliations between the desktop PC and the laptop I've been using since coming out of hiatus last month. It shouldn't be too long after the April update, but no promises! Life happens!