Gorge Trail #400

July 16, 2020

For now, I am really going to focus on formatting the "Later Routes" section of the website and not spending hours and hours digging for missing photos. Those will be added as I work through my photo archive files after finishing the site repair.

I have some thoughts and theories and ideas on this trail that I'll flesh out at some point. For now, this page is just another dumping ground for quotes and links...

USFS: Gorge Trail #400

The Gorge 400 Trail traverses a number of sites and other trails on the west end of the Gorge in Oregon, from Angel's Rest Trailhead on the Historic Columbia River Highway to Wyeth Trail (#411) near Gorton Creek. Parts of this trail "piggyback" on other system trails. Much of it is along Interstate 84 and can be quite noisy in places. For a breakdown of Gorge 400 waypoints and restrictions, see this chart.

Mountain bikes are allowed on the Gorge 400 Trail from John Yeon Trailhead east to Moody Road in Cascade Locks, OR, and from Wyeth Campground west to Herman Creek Trail #406. Bikes are prohibited between Angel's Rest trailhead and Ainsworth Campground and between Moody Road and Herman Creek trail #406

Gorge 400 Trail sections from West to East:

USFS: Gorge Trail #400https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/crgnsa/recreation/hiking/recarea/?recid=29920&actid=50

"Today I headed up to check out Tumalt Creek on a tip from Bryan [Swan], that there was a falls mentioned on an old stream survey. Trail 400 has not been maintained there for many years apparently. So, I went ahead and flagged it as far as Tumalt Creek. At that point, someone looks to have flagged the other side of the creek - I saw some pink flagging on the other side (my flagging is orange). So FS, if you plan to hit that at some point - you're welcome. The trail really disappears about 150 past the trailhead, but I did the best I could at flagging what looks to have once been the route."

"chameleon" 2-2-2011 http://www.oregonhikers.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=6996


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