Oregon 35 Junction
Hood River Interpretive Site
Oregon State Archives: A 1940 Journey Across Oregon
At 124.6 m. [West of Hwy. 730 Junction] is a junction with State 35.
HCRH Interpretive Sites and Signs completed in 2006
This Forest Highway Enhancement project enhanced two gravel parking areas and installed 12 additional interpretive signs along the HCRH. The parking areas are in Cascade Locks at the intersection of WaNaPa and Forest Lane and in Hood River at the intersection of the HCRH and Oregon 35.
ODOT. HCRH Completed Projects. http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/HCRH/Pages/completedprojects.aspx
Mt. Hood Loop
While my main focus for 2020 is rebuilding this website, eventually I will be continuing around the whole Mt. Hood Loop. There is not much content yet on the website and Facebook Group yet, but I have gone ahead and set them up as a sort of placeholder for the continuation of this project around the mountain.
Recreating the Mt. Hood Loop:
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/recreatingthemthoodloop/home
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/209636303484268