Harrison Falls

Lower Lindsey Creek Falls

Harrison Falls is briefly visible, a flash of white water, speeding past on the westbound lanes of I-84, if you know exactly where to look and only in the winter, when the leaves are down.

The hill on the westbound side of Lindsey Creek is the best place to view it.

"This waterfall [Lindsey Creek Falls] was called Harrison Falls early in the 20th century. After the original Columbia River Scenic Highway was built, a number of auto camps were built along the new road. The one that operated at Lindsey Creek was known as Harrison's Auto Camp. No trace of it remains."

Doug Gorsline, "ashcreekimages.com" website, 2013 (Via columbiariverimages.com)

Northwest Waterfall Survey: Harrison Falls

Harrison Falls the lowermost of a number of significant waterfalls along Lindsey Creek as it tumbles down the north side of Mount Defiance into the Columbia River. The falls drop 64 feet in four distinct steps of 28, 22, 8, and 16 feet respectively. The canyon where the falls are located is quite narrow though not terribly deep, and is covered almost literally top to bottom in beds of moss of varying depths. There is also an unusually high number of vine-type bushes and Alder and Maple tree saplings lining the canyon compared to other sections of the stream, which heavily obstructs the falls from view even up close; this is likely due to the fact that the falls are situated within the clearing for the overhead high voltage power lines which run the length of the Columbia Gorge and the slopes on either side of the creek have been cut bare so the area receives much more direct sunlight.

The name Harrison Falls stems from the early days of the Columbia River Highway in the 1910s. During that period there were a number of auto camps operated along the Highway which allowed motorists to rest. One such camp, known as the Harrison Auto Camp, was established near the mouth of Lindsey Creek, and based on the old postcard we've seen which labeled this waterfall by name, it seems likely the falls were named such either after the camp or for the same individual for whom the camp was named.

Known Alternate Names: Lower Lindsey Creek Falls.

Northwest Waterfall Survey: Harrison Fallshttps://www.waterfallsnorthwest.com/waterfall/Harrison-Falls-3888
Harrison Falls on Lindsey Creek (2013)Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. Oregon. November 1, 2013. Copyright © 2014 A. F. Litt, All Rights Reserved

Photo Currently Unavailable

Harrison Falls (2013)Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. Oregon. November 1, 2013Copyright © 2014 A. F. Litt, All Rights Reserved


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