
Lyle Convict Road / Washington State Road 8


Road Along Columbia River c.1910Good Roads / N.Y. Times Published November 13, 1910http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?res=9E03EFD6173BE430A75750C1A9679D946196D6CF

"This particular piece of road was selected because of its unusual favorable location, both with respect to its climatic location and the nature of the material to be handled."

Kittredge 722

"Laying just east of the Cascade Divide and at an elevation of about 200 ft. above sea level, we are neither subjected to the cold and snows of Eastern Washington, nor the winter rains of the coast we lost less than two days per month on account of bad weather, in spite of the fact that the winter of 1909-10 was very severe through most of the state. The record for the winter of 1910-11 was even better."

Kittredge 722

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