Trail to the Top & Beyond

Multnomah Falls

Falls From the TrailMultnomah Falls. Columbia River National Scenic Area. July 20, 2008
Multnomah Creek Above Above Multnomah FallsMultnomah Falls. Columbia River National Scenic Area. July 20, 2008
Over the brink...Multnomah Falls. Columbia River National Scenic Area. July 20, 2008

Samuel C. Lancaster, The Columbia: America's Great Highway

Larch Mountain lifts its head four thousand and forty-five feet above the river, commanding a superb view of the entire surrounding country. Five great snow-capped peaks can be seen from the top. Easy foot and pony trails have been constructed all the way up to the summit. Beginning at Multnomah Falls a trail loops back and forth on the steep sides of the cliffs, and passes into a box canyon higher up, where there are many waterfalls.

This trail, constructed by "The Progressive Business Men's Club" of Portland, aided by Mr. S. Benson and his son Mr. Amos S. Benson, continues, and is met by another one which comes up from Wahkeena (Most Beautiful) Falls. It follows a babbling brook and a succession of musical waterfalls for a great part of the way, and the trail continues through fern and wood to the craggy top of Nature's grandstand.

When God made the mountains and parted the range like a curtain, in order to permit this great river to pass through, almost at the level of the sea, He lifted up Larch Mountain to which the Children of Men might climb to look upon the wonders of His mighty work. "Be still and know that I am God; saith the Lord of Hosts."

When little Samuel, the nephew of the author, was about to ascend the slopes of Mount Rainier, he said to his mother: "If we go up in the clouds at Mount rainier will we see God? *** Why won't we?" We hope he will, for life is not life without seeing Him.

Samuel C. Lancaster. The Columbia: America's Great Highway. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. 1915. Reprinted 2004.

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