Oneonta to Horsetail Falls

Route 2

Oneonta to Horsetailv.2020.05.03.007Google Earth Imagery Date: September 3, 2018

"Continuing east from Oneonta Gorge to Horsetail Falls, distance 0.3 miles, the road is level. As you emerge from the tunnel and look up to the rugged cliffs, with towering domes and pinnacles, you see the clouds playing hide and seek about them."

Lancaster, 1914 66
St. Peter's Dome and Cathedral Peak, Columbia River Highway, OregonSawyer Scenic Photos, Inc. St. Peter's Dome and Cathedral Peak, Columbia River Highway, Oregon. Sawyer Scenic Photos, Inc, c. 1920.Yale Collection of Western Americana, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library

With the trees these days, it is hard to find any views today resembling the one above from the old highway, but as best as I can tell, this was shot just west of Horsetail Falls.

CLICK HERE to continue exploring the highway