Excel Activity 01

Post date: Apr 27, 2015 4:23:28 PM

    • Essential Questions:How can learning spreadsheet software help you be successful in the future?

    • Lesson Essential Question:How can spreadsheets be used to communicate data effectively?

I will be able to:

Copy a table from a word document to a spreadsheet and edit it.

Choose an appropriate chart type to fit my data.


1. Open Word Processing Activity 4. The information technology budget.

2. Select the budget items and percentages and copy them.

3. Open an Excel Spreadsheet. Click the A4 Cell and paste.

4. Make the A column wide enough to see the various departments and make the B column wider so you can see the numbers.

5. Select your percentages in the B column and change them to percentages. The drop down box your looking for is in the home tab/numbers section in the middle of the ribbon.

6. In Cell A1, type "Information Technology Expenditures. In Cell B1 type "Percent of Total Budget"

7. Select cell A1 and A2 and Merge and Center. Do the same for cell B1 and B2.

8. Select cell A4 to B12. Insert a pie Chart.

9. Move your chart. Sheet 2 and give the chart an appropriate title.

10. Save as Activity 1 and hand in to Haiku